chapter four

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i hop out of bed and stumble to the shower after making sure to close the curtain.

cedric (muggle from window)

closed the curtain this time i'm showering ;)

don't know if i should be happy about that 🤔

c u soon

c u soon ives

after my shower, i change into low rise jeans and a corset top. i spray admittedly a little too much perfume on my neck, clean my teeth, grab my mini bag and head downstairs. my parents had already left for work, which saved me an awkward conversation about where i was headed. the time on the kitchen clock read 11am as i stepped out the door.

standing at my front gate, with his hands in the pockets of his baggy jeans was cedric diggory. would i ever get over how hot he was?

"cedric!!" i say, walking closer to him.

"ivy!!" he yells back, in a fake australian accent.

"very funny" i say as i pull him into a hug.

god he smelt good, i thought.

"where to?" he says.

"i don't mind, you're the local"

"true. how about a cafe down in earls court? about a 20 minute walk, and really good food."

"sounds great ced" i say, linking my arm around his as we set off to the cafe.

we talked about all kinds of things on the way. music, fashion, food. turns out our taste in all three were pretty similar.

we sat down at the crowded cafe, in a booth seat facing eachother.

"what's good here?" i say, browsing the menu

"you HAVE to get the portuguese tart, they are to die for"

"sounds great to me"

we sit, drinking coffee and eating portuguese tarts until we couldn't any longer.

after cedric politely paying, we set off for home.

"it's a shame we go back to school so soon, i could've shown you around london" cedric sighs as we walk, his arm wrapped around me and my head on his shoulder.

"i know, it's sad. but promise as soon as we are back home after this term you will" i say, looking him in the eye.

"i promise" he whispers in my ear.

after we reach my front door, he says goodbye and starts to walk back to his house.

"wait ced!" i yell

"yes?", he says excitedly

"my parents are at work, want to come in?"

"of course"

we walk in, take off our shoes and head upstairs to my room.

"wow, nice house" he says in awe "what do your parents do?"

"thank you, my parents are uhhhm engineers, yeah"

i sit down on my bed and he follows, turning to look at his room from the window.

"that persons room looks so nice, i bet they are hot and smart, but funny at the same time", he says, pretending to be deep in thought

"hmmmm i actually agree, they definitely would be" i say, playing along.

we continue joking around, and he looks around my room until he sees my record player.

"oooo can i see your collection?" he asks

"i would love to show you"

we stand right next to each other, flicking through my records. finally he picks out "wild heart" by current joys, and places the needle on "new flesh" we sit back down on my bed, talking about the song. before long, our eyes were closed, our mouths open and we were inching towards eachother, finally closing the space between our bodies. it became more passionate as our tongues slipped into each others mouths, adding another layer of intimacy. i pushed him down onto my bed as our tongues continue to intertwine themselves. our make out session was interrupted by a text from my mum -
"leaving work now, be home in a few"

"shit", i said panting.

"what's wrong ives?" cedric said, also out of breath.

"my parents are on their way home, as much as i hate to say it you better head home"

we walked downstairs and kissed goodbye in the kitchen. i thanked him for the good time and paying for our food, and he swiftly headed home.

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