Imagine 1

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Y/n 's pov:

It was the first day back to school after the lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic, it'd been 6 months since I'd seen him, seen the love of my life: Max Mills. He was just so perfect, the way he looked, how thoughtful he was, he was just so perfect.

Once, I got to school I tried to find my bestfriend Miriam, we'd been bestfriends since year 7 and she always told me that one day, Max would see me the way I see him. Eventually I found her,

 "Hi y/n,"

"Hi Miriam,"

"So how was lockdown?"


"Tell me about it,"

"So have you seen Max today,"

"Yeah, he's just with Harvey over there," She pointed over to where he was standing.

"Trust me, he'll see you the way you see him,"

"I'm not sure,"

"Oh come on, why be so negative?"

"He's never spoken to me, I doubt that he'll end up liking me,"

"Maybe he doesn't speak to you because he likes you and he's nervous to talk to you,"

"As if,"

"Well, why don't you talk to him?"


"Yes, why not?"

"Because I'll probably end up saying something weird and he'll hate me for the rest of his life,"

"No he won't, he's looking at you now,"

"No he's not,"

"Yes he his," "Just try and talk to him," she said just as the bell rang. We made our way to our form classes, which were different this year, and waited for our teacher to come in.

"Look, Max is our form," I saw Max stood in the same classroom as me, oh god.

"Right so this the new seating plan," The teacher started to say as students groaned, "At the back we have: Miriam, Y/n , Max  and then Harvey," I was sat next to Max, oh my god!

Once we sat down in our places, we got our new timetables, we were mainly in the same classroom for all subjects. "I am going to collect in the work you did in lockdown," our teacher told us. 

"Did you guys do any work in lockdown?" Max asked us.

"No," me and and Miriam said.

"Good, we thought we were the only ones who hadn't done anything," Harvey said. 

Since we were in the same room all day, I sat next to Max throughout our morning lessons, we didn't really pay attention to be honest, we were all just talking. 

It was lunch and as we made our way out of the class Max asked us, "Do you guys want to sit with us today,"

"Sure," Miriam said as I was just processing the fact that Max wants to sit with me. When we sat down I sat between Miriam and Max. I didn't think he'd sit next to me, but he did. Max and Harvey introduced to their friends: Tom, Dylan and James(Dobby). Miriam was getting along with Dobby and the Harvey was talking to Dylan and Tom so it was just me and Max. 

"So what things do like to do y/n?" Max saying my name gave me butterflies.

"Nothing really, I'm a boring person," I didn't tell him about my singing as the only person who knew was Miriam. 

"I bet you're not boring, I mean everything does something, I sing and play the guitar, Harvey sings and plays the drums, what do you do?"

"I sing sometimes,"

"That's awesome y/n," "Do you have a recording of you singing?"

"I do but,"

"No I want to hear it, I bet you're amazing,"

"Okay," i got my phone out and played a recording of me singing one of their songs. 

"Wow, this is so good," I blushed at his compliment.

"Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Ever since I first saw you, I felt something I've never felt before, now I've spoken to you, these feelings are getting stronger and I really like you y/n," Max blushed a little. I was so stunned at his words, I couldn't speak.

"Say something y/n," Max looked at me anxiously. 

"I feel the same way," I whispered so only he could hear me and looked away from him.


"Yes," I was still looking away.

"Since you feel the same way, would you like it if I'd take you on a date?"

"I'd love it," I finally looked at him, to see a smile spreading across his face, making me blush a little. 

"Blushing are we?" Max laughed and put his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I tested positive for being in love with Max Mills.


I  started writing this for the fun of it and yeah each chapter will be a different imagine but all to do with Max, if you have an idea for one let me know. 

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