Imagine 4

304 3 1

Max's pov:

Me and Harvey came off stage and were greeted by out friends and family, 

"You were amazing," my bestfriend, y/n, looked more happy than me.

"You seem more happy than me," I told y/n.

"Of course I am!" She hugged me once again.

"So are you doing anything later on?" I asked her.

"Nothing, why?"

"I just wanted to spend the rest of the day with my bestfriend,"

"Okay, I'll come to yours at 5pm." Y/n told me.


"Let's go to the park," I suggested and y/n agreed. We made our way to the park: this was the park we used to play in as children, we had so much fun here, it's sad we had to grow up. 

"Remember the time you fell over whilst running around, Harvey was just laughing at you but I was super scared because of the blood,"

"Of course I remember, remember when me and Harvey hid behind a tree and you couldn't find us, it was hilarious," I laughed, "until of course it'd been an hour and you got really scared that you just broke down there," we both laughed.

"Well, I couldn't find you two and I was only 5," "I wish I didn't have to grow up,"

"Me neither," I said as y/n entwined her fingers with mine.

We did used to hold hands, as bestfriends, but not anymore since everyone used to think we're together. 


"Yes," she looked up at me.

"I need to tell you something," I blurted out as my heart started pounding, at the words I was preparing to say to her. 

"Sure, is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, everything's fine, I just needed you to know something,"

"Okay, go on,"

"Well, you see the thing is....."

"Max, just speak, you're scaring me,"

"Okay, I...."

"You what?"

"I've had feelings for you since we were younger, I know you're my bestfriend and I love as my bestfriend but also as more than that; y/n you're so perfect, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, you've made me a better person, you've helped me so much, you've always been there for me, I know you might not feel the same way and that's okay because I'll always be your bestfriend no matter what, I just really needed to tell you my real feelings."


Y/n just looked at me, stunned at what I'd told her.

"Say something, please," I told her but instead, she placed her lips upon mine, I was shocked but kissed her back. We pulled away and that's when she finally spoke,

"I love you, Max,"

"I love you too, y/n," I told her and the pressed my lips against hers, her kissing back, the kiss full of love and passion, I then ran my tongue over her bottom lip, her allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth, we carried on kissing for some while, feeling the sparks. 

We eventually pulled away, and we walked hand in hand back to my place, me feeling the happiest I've ever felt.

I tested positive for loving my bestfriend


she tested positive for loving me too

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