Imagine 11

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Max's pov:


Hey you ready yet? xx

No, not yet xx

Gurllll you take forever xx

You said you were gonna pick me up at 6 it's only 5 xx

But I wanna see u babeeeeeee xx

You have to wait just 1 more hour, Mills xx
Hehe xx

But I haven't seen  you all dayyyyyyy xx

I haven't seen you all day either xx

Stop it
I can't wait one hour
just to see 
my girl

my girl :)
stop it 
my heart
will jump out
of my chest
to go
to you 

And you're telling me to wait an hour?! xx

I'm ready anyways, I was just messing around xx

But I was sad
I wanted to see you

Come over now then xx

I'm waiting outside of your house xx


ily babe ❤

ily2 Maxi😢💖

Millie and I went to the beach together, she loves the beach. We got ice-cream and walked around the beach, the sand beneath our feet warming up. 

"Let's sit there," I pointed to a place near the sea, so we could watch the sunset.

We sat down and I had my arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder. And we sat there in  a beautiful silence, not awkward where you'd need to fill it, just a beautiful silence where being together was more than enough instead of speaking. 

The sun started to set and I knew Millie loved the colours, from the yellow to orange to red to pink to purple. 

"Thank you, Maxikins," she kissed me on the cheek.

"Your welcome," I replied as I lifted her chin up to face me as I got lost in her eyes. I leaned in and kissed her, slowly and full of passion. She tasted sweet, not sweet like chocolate but sweet like candy. It felt our lips were made for each other.

I tested positive for being madly in love.


A bit shit but kinda cute

Tested positive forWhere stories live. Discover now