Imagine 10

195 0 3

Max's pov:

"MAX!" MAX!" Tilly shouted when she came running in to my room

"What's up Tills?"

"It's, Harvey he fainted and now Mum and Dad called the ambulance," Tilly looked really worried and scared.

"He'll be okay Tills, don't worry," I comforted her and hugged her.

I ran downstairs to see the ambulance just arrive and the paramedics walk in, they checked Harvey's pulse and then placed him on a stretcher and into the ambulance. I went with him in the ambulance and Mum and Dad went behind us in the car.

When we got to the hospital, while Mum and Dad filled in the paperwork, I went into the room Harvey was in and watched the nurses attach wires and tubes to him. 

When the nurses left the room, I made my way next to Harvey and pictured all the good times with him, every moment, every day with him, to think it could all end in this moment.

An hour passed by and I didn't realise I was crying.

"Max," Harvey opened his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I'm not," I said quickly wiping away my tears and he smiled.

He had a little conversation with me and then Mum and Dad came in, Mum immediately hugged Harvey, making us all laugh.

Harvey had a few more tests to do but he was allowed to go home near the end of the day. 

I don't know what I'd do without him.

I tested positive for having the best twin.

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