Imagine 7

214 3 0

Y/n 's pov:

"Happy birthday babe," my boyfriend, Max, gave me the last of many presents he'd bought me. "Max, I love this so much, thanks bub," I hugged him to show how grateful I was to have him in my life. 

*Near the end of the day*

"So what did he get you?" Harvey asked me and I showed him the multiple gifts Max had gotten me. Max came into the living room and Harvey left. 

"What shall we watch?" Max questioned me as I cuddled into him.

"I don't mind, you choose," I told him.

"No, it's your birthday, you choose," Max pressed a kiss onto my head and flicked through some movies and films waiting for me to decide what we were going to watch. 

I finally chose After We Collided, "I haven't watched this before," Max told me as I cuddled into him even more. 

"Well you're going to watch it now," I smirked at him as he playfully rolled his eyes.  

Throughout the film, we mostly stayed silent or Max would press a soft kiss to my head or cheek.

"That was so good," Max said as the movie ended. 

"Yeah, it was," I smiled and looked at him. "What?" He asked me and I laughed and took his cap off his head and put it on mine. "It looks better on you then it does on me," Max kissed my cheek for the hundredth time and then ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Let's watch a scary movie now," Max said and I nodded my head as he chose what to watch.

I still had my head laid on his chest through the film and when a really scary part would come up, Max kissed my head or cheek as I buried my head further into his chest. 

Once the film ended I took off Max's cap and placed on the side out of his reach. "That was such a good movie," Max said knowing how much it terrified me. He then lifted my head up so I was facing upwards to him, I stared deep into his beautiful brown eyes as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear. He bit his lip before leaning closer, I could feel his breath getting more and more warm as he leaned closer. I closed my eyes just as he pressed his lips against mine, I instantly kissed back with just as much love as he was, I let him slip his tongue into my mouth and ran my fingers through his hair, tugging it slightly(making him moan a little), he tasted like chocolate, sweet and addicting, we were both smiling throughout, and we carried on for quite some while. 

When we eventually pulled away he whispered in my ears, "Happy birthday, princess."

I tested positive for having the best boyfriend in the universe.

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