Imagine 8

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Max's pov:

"Max, stop it," my girlfriend, y/n pleaded me whilst I was tickling her.

"Nope," I laughed and carried on tickling her.

"Max, stop," y/n tried to get me off her but she failed. In the end I decided to have somewhat mercy on her and stop. 

"Now, I feel sick from all this laughing," She stuck her tongue out at me.

"You know what I'm thinking about?" I asked a few minutes later.


"We should go get ice-cream," 

"Of course you want ice-cream," she giggled making butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach. I threw y/n one of my hoodies and wore one myself. We left the house and went to get ice-cream.

As we were on our way back, I suddenly stopped feeling unpleasant all of a sudden.

"Maxi, are you okay?" y/n asked me, looking concerned.

"Max, what's wrong?" She put her hand on my back.

"I feel sick," I told her.

"Come on let's go back to yours and then you can lie down.

"Okay," I barely managed to get home and up the stairs to my bedroom. As soon as I entered my bedroom I went straight to the toliet and threw up. Y/n rubbed my back as I continuosly vomitted for at least 5 minutes. I stayed on my knees for some time while y/n cleaned up the little mess I'd made. Once she'd cleaned up, she helped me up and into my bed, she gave me some water and a couple of paracetemol caplets. Y/n got into bed with me and I rested my head on her shoulder whilst she ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my head. I was lucky to have someone like y/n in my life, someone who cared for me and loved me, possibly more than I love them.

"Thank you y/n," I whsipered.

"For what?" She asked.

"For taking care of me, you don't have to but you chose to, thank you for loving me babe," 

"It's okay Maxiboo," she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulled me closer and kissed my head.

I tested positive for having the best girlfriend.

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