Imagine 16

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Max's pov:

As I walked through the crowded corridors of school, trying to get to my form room before I see her

Unfortunately, as I speed-walked to form, I bumped into her.

"Shit, watch i-," y/n stopped talking and looked at me, I couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, sorry Max," y/n apologised- she'd never do that.

"It's okay, I was walking really fast," I told her and y/n smiled, causing butterflies to squirm in my stomach.

"See you," y/n walked in the opposite direction, leaving me with the hugest grin on my face as I walked to my form class.

Once I got there and sat next to Harvey, I dreamt about y/n till the bell rang signalling first class.  

My first class was Geography, y/n was also in that class, and as I walked into the classroom, I saw the teacher had a new seating plan for us- I was sat next to y/n.

"Hey Max," y/n smiled, as I sat next to her.

"Hi," I said quietly.

During class, y/n wrote something in her book and showed me,

meet me at my locker at lunch?

Sure, I wrote and watched her smile to herself, again, causing butterflies in my stomach to erupt.

The time till lunch felt like years but eventually the bell rang, I sprung up from my chair, and made my way to y/n's locker.

I saw her stood there waiting for me.

"Hi," she greeted as I walked to her.

"Hi, why'd you want me to come here?"

"I tell you that..." and than y/n pressed he lips against my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Instantly, I kissed her back, feeling the sparks inside me, the electricity between me and y/n. We were kissing for a few seconds and when we pulled away, I grabbed her arm and dragged into the store cupboard, then smashed my lips against hers, she tasted sweet, like candyfloss. I traced my tongue over her bottom lip and y/n let me explore her mouth, whilst she traced her fingers on my neck and down my back a little.

When we finally pulled away, both us out of breath, we smiled and I whispered into her ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied and I embraced her in a hug. Man, this girl was my everything

I tested positive for my crush liking me back.


Sorry for not updating this, I was planning to wrote smut  but that's still a work in progress.

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