Imagine 2

477 3 4

Max's pov:

Another day without seeing her, another day knowing I broke her, another day full of regret but there's nothing I can do. 

"Max get of bed, you can't sleep all day," Harvey said.

"Watch me," I replied. 

"Max if this is about Maddie then just go talk to her,"

"She won't speak to me!"

"She will, you've just got to try, yeah she's mad at you but if she does love you she'll at least listen to what you've got to say,"

"Since when did you become good at giving advice?" I asked him wiping away my tears.

"Some call it hidden talent,"

"Yeah, yeah, calm down blondey,"

"Oi!" "My hair is very offended!"

"I still don't get why you dyed it blonde,"

"Well, everyone loves my beautiful blonde hair,"

"If by everyone you mean your girlfriend, then yes she's obviously going to like it, you're her boyfriend she can't say she doesn't like it,"

"Leave Jenny out of this, just because you can't keep a girl doesn't mean I won't,"

"And a second ago you were telling me to keep trying," I mumbled but he still heard me.

 "But you have to keep trying, if you don't she'll think you don't like her, you've got to try,"

"Okay, I'm going to see her now," I told him as I put some shorts and a hoodie on and I made my way to Maddie's house. I knocked on the door and her opened it, 

"She doesn't want to see you," her mum told me, closing the door but I moved my foot in the way, 

"Please let me talk to her, I know what I did was wrong but please I need to talk to Maddie," tears starting falling down my eyes. 

"Max, you cheated on her, with her bestfriend, you broke her, Max, she loved you but I guess to you it was all a joke,"

"And I'm sorry, I really am sorry, I was drunk, I know that doesn't excuse what I did but I really do love her, I can't live without her," Tears were still streaming down my eyes.

"Max, look I want things to get better but she's not coming out of her room or talking to any of us, so I doubt she'll come out of her room just to talk to you,"

"Well then I'm waiting out her for her,"

"But Max it's going to rain soon,"

"And, I'm waiting here until Maddie talks to me." I said as she shut the door and I sat down on the grass, crying. It did start to rain, really fast but I wasn't going to go until I'd spoken to Maddie. 


A few hours later, the door opened and I saw Maddie, I stood up to face her: her eyes were red and she had cuts all over her arms and legs, what did I do to her?


"Mum said you've been waiting in the rain,"

"I'm sorry Maddie, I-"

"Come inside, it's raining really bad, you'll get ill," She let me in the house.

"Let's go up to my room," She said and I followed her to her room. "Here, take this, the one you're wearing is wet," She said passing me one my hoodies, "I was going to give it back to you anyways," 


"So you came her because...,"

"Because I love you Maddie, I know what I did was so wrong, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, I really am sorry Maddie, you're the best part of me and I hurt you, yes I made the biggest the mistake anyone ever could but Maddie, I can't live without you,"

Tears were streaming down her face, "Max, I love you, I get that you made a mistake,"

"You forgive me?"

"Yes, Max, I know you're not lying so I forgive you ," I embraced her in a warm hug,


"Ouch," she said pointing at her cuts. 

"Sorry," i said and I started tending to her cuts. "Thank you Max,"

"For what?"


"It's okay, it's what I'm supposed to do," I told her as she smiled at me.

"Now get changed into this," I passed her one of my hoodies she had in her room. "Then we'll get some food," I said, knowing she hadn't ate anything.

I tested positive for being the happiest boy on Earth.


Just another quick on for you

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