Imagine 12

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Y/n 's pov:

Today was mine and Max's 1 year of being together. He hadn't told me where we were going, he loved suprising me. He told me to wear something not to casual but not too fancy. It took me forever to pick out an outfit for today. I realised I was wearing what I wore on mine and Max's first date.

I did my hair and makeup and checked the time, Max should be here soon.

When Max came, I opened the door and realised he was wearing what he wore on our first date. He also had a rose in his hand, just like our first date.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him.

"You'll have to wait and see," he smirked and held my hand, and we set off to wherever we were going.

We were walking through a forest that seemed very familiar and we made our way up a hill it hit me: this was our first date. This was where we went on our first date.

"Our first date," I gasped as he smiled.

I saw he'd laid out a blanket and had a basket with food in it, probably.

After the picnic, I thought we were were going home but Max led us to the park near where he lived.

"Remember?" He looked at me.

"I remember," I told him. How could I forget! The place where we first met.

We played around in the park like we were little kids, laughing. It was like reliving all our memories. 

When we were walking home, Max asked me to stay at his for the night and I agreed.

Once we got there we went to his room and we both laid on his bed. I was really tired after today. He had his arms around me and hugged me into him. I felt so much love towards Max, more then ever. 

"I love you," he whispered into my ear making me giggle.

"I love you more," I told him smirking.

"No you don't," he said and I turned to face him.

"Yes, I do," 

"You can't say I do until our wedding day," he smiled at me making me smile too.

"And what if I do," I repeated it to see what he would do.

"Hmm," he replied, "then I'll do this," he pressed his lips against mine and I kissed him back. Soon he was making his way down my neck, kissing my skin and tickling me. That night got very interesting, but I loved it, just liked I loved Max.

I tested positive for loving Max Mills.

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