Imagine 18

158 2 2

Max's pov:

Bright. Blinding. White. The walls, the ceiling, the floor: everything was white. I was laying in a bed but I wasn't sure how I'd gotten there. As I looked to my left, I saw white scree, instantly knowing where I was. A hospital. But how? And more importantly why? I tried focusing my mind to remember anything but that was as useless as whispering to a corpse. I couldn't even remember my own name. 

I got up and walked up barefoot across the ice cold tiles. I opened the white door to see absolutely no-one. 

I started to question whether I really was in a hospital.

Making my way down the empty, narrow corridor, I took a left turn when I heard something. It sounded like the creaking of a door(although I couldn't be to sure). Walking a couple of feet I saw an open door. I peered in discreetly, to see a man and a woman. The man had brown short hair whereas, the woman had long, silky, blonde hair. I couldn't see either of their faces but I assumed them to have perfect faces, the type of smoothness of the skin we all want. I hoped I would find out something as to why I was here, in this all-painted hospital-like white building.

The man turned to face the woman, his green eyes immediately catching my attention. Just as I suspected, he had a perfect face, no wrinkles no acne, just clear, glowing skin. 

He seemed sort of familiar.

While I was taking in the appearance of the man, the woman opened up a white envelope I never noticed she held in her hand. She revealed a diamond which definitely looked like it costed one hundred whole human bodies to buy. 

Upon the sight of the diamond, the man slipped a smirk onto his face, sending shivers down my spine and causing my heart to beat rapidly.

He took the diamond and placed it into the pocket of his white lab coat.

"We need him to wake up soon," his deep, rough voice sending warning signals through my mind, telling me to get away.

But I was transfixed on the sight of the only people who seemed to be here.

"Don't worry darling," the woman's soft voice shocking me, "he''ll be up soon and we'll get the plan started."

Plan? What kind of plan involved me?

"He better," the man continued, "I'm not letting go of Max," that's when a wave of realisation hit me.

I was Max.

My memory took to what seemed like a bedroom. I was sat down, playing the guitar when a figure walked into that same room, looking me straight in the eye. He looked like me.

"Y/n is with me," he even sounded like me.

"If you want her, you have to do as I tell you," 

"What have you done Harvey?" Was all my mind showed me when I started remembering so much more.

Harvey was my twin and Y/n. Oh, y/n. My beautiful girlfriend. Such a sweet, innocent, caring soul. 

However, all these memories filled me with more questions. 

Where was Harvey? Where was Y/n? Why aren't they with me? 

In need to find out the answers to my questions, I took a step back in hope to return to search the rest of the building. Yet I ended up tripping backwards, falling onto the floor. I heard footsteps approach and head a soft, almost seductive voice laugh,

"Oh, Max honey..."

I tested positive for being clumsy  lol


Tried something a little bit different, I wrote something similar for school. Let me know if you want a part 2 to this. Or if you want some more smut stories, I'll try to write them up. Or message me if you want me to write anything specific. xx

Stay safe and remember Treat People With Kindness😙✌

Tested positive forWhere stories live. Discover now