Imagine 9

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Y/n 's pov:

And in an instant I was kissing him; he was kissing me, our kiss full of love and passion, he pulled me even closer to him deepening the kiss as he explored my mouth. I ran my fingers through his hair, his beautiful bark brown hair, the brown hair I'd been longing to touch forever, my other hand feeling down his neck, he had both his hands around my waist, one of them travelling up and then back down, tickling me and making me laugh a little but instead of a laugh a moan escaped my lips, I slightly tugged on his hair making him moan but also smile, his moans grew louder as I tugged harder on his hair. 

Kissing Max Luca Mills was the fulfilment of my desires, Max Luca Mills made me the happiest I'd ever been.

After a long few minutes of kissing we pulled away and we fell back onto the pillows, both smiling to ourselves. I could hear his heavy breathing, and I felt his pounding since my hand rested on his bare chest. I traced my fingers all over his chest, him shivering beneath my touch. His chest was hot at my touch. He placed one of his hands on top of mine. 

All of sudden he rolled on top me, and started kissing me once again. He moved to my neck leaving hickeys as he carried on down to just above my chest, I knew my neck was full of hickeys, he then took of my top, knowing I wasn't wearing a bra. He starting leaving hickeys on my chest, sucking harder for longer in different places, making some marks more vivid than the rest. 

Eventually, he made his way to my stomach, leaving more small, less noticeable hickeys but much more ticklish making me laugh within the moans that escaped my mouth.

He then put his hands in my shorts.
He looked at me for permission.
I nodded.
He pulled down my shorts.
Along with my underwear.

I pulled down his boxers.
Making sure to touch his dick.
Just lightly brushing against it.
To tease him.

And that night was amazing, I lost my virginity to Max Luca Mills. The Max Luca Mills. But I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I tested positive for losing my virginity to Max Luca Mills: The Max Luca Mills.


Should I write smut?

Tested positive forWhere stories live. Discover now