Imagine 5

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Y/n 's pov:

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, a little hungover. I felt someone's arms around me, again unfamiliar. I turned around and saw Max sound asleep, how did I get here? I tried to think back to last night but I could only remember the party, I must have drank too much and Max brought me home with him. I didn't know why he'd let me sleep with him; he can't like me the way I like him, but what if he does? My head was hurting even more from trying to think back from last night, so I just rested my head on Max and tried to get back to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up, once again, with Max's comforting arms wrapped around me, but this time he was awake. 

"Max?" I looked up at the sleepy, cute boy.

"You're awake," He looked back at me. "Here, get changed," he threw me one of hoodies.

"Max, what happened last night?" He looked at me, gulped then told me,

"You got a bit too drunk, so I was going to take you home but you said you'd get in trouble if your mum so you drunk, so I brought you to mine,"

"Oh okay," "Is that all that happened?"

He looked a little nervous and gulped once again before saying, 

"Yeah, that's all,"

"Are you sure?"


"I feel like you're keeping something away from me," 

"I'm not," he was looking away from me.

"Max, did I do something else or say something?"


"I what?"

"You told me you love me," he was still looking away from me.


After a few minutes of an awkward silence, Max put his arm around me, confusing me.

"Max-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"You told me you love me and I told you that I love you too," I didn't remember the most important thing that happened the night before. But Max likes me too, since when, why didn't he tell me before the previous night? 

"Max?" I looked up at him to see him looking at me. 

"Yeah," he replied still looking into my eyes.


"Why what?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why did you say that you..."

"That I love you?"

"Yes, why?" 

"I could talk about why I love you for the rest of my life," he said smiling causing me to blush. 

He then leaned in and pressed his lips against mine: full of passion and love. He traced his tongue over my bottom lip and I let him slip his tongue into mouth. Our lips moved in perfect sync and harmony: like our lips were made for each other. Even though we both had just woken and we both had morning-breath, he tasted so sweet, yet there was a hint of bitterness. One of his warm hands rested on my waist, the other on the back of my neck: him stroking my right cheek and giving me goosebumps. I had my one of my hands on his shoulder; the other on his bare yet warm chest. Kissing Max made me feel like the happiest girl in the world; I had Max I didn't need anyone else. 

Once we pulled away, I rested my head on Max's chest while he stroked my hair. 

"You know what?" He whispered in my ear, tickling my skin and making me giggle. 

"What?" I whispered in his ear, making him smile.

"You're beautiful," he whispered causing me to blush once again.

I tested positive for being the happiest girl in the world.

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