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A/N: real quick, I appreciate your patience with me taking a month off to work on getting a book properly published lol
but I also wanted to say that the outfit above is an old Polyvore one I found on Pinterest so I have no idea who it belongs to, but it isn't mine :)

updates are gonna be slow for a bit coz I'm graduating this year so bare with me, but you guys are my only source of serotonin rn so I'm posting coz I miss you lol

Somehow, Katherine had managed to pass physics with a B.

Sure, the exam had taken her an extra hour that they provide you with and she had bullshit her way through the last half, but after four hours of staring at the same question written different and trying to see through the smudges on her glasses lenses before giving in and cleaning them several times, she was happy with that.

Her, her dad and Stiles had all gotten take out Thai food for dinner and binge watched all the Hobbit's and Lord of the Rings in celebration of her no longer having mental breakdowns on the kitchen floor as she'd been so stressed out that dropping a chip with queso on the floor had triggered it. Stiles had panicked and called Liam after only understand chip and sad while she'd sobbed, and he'd spent the rest of the night on the kitchen floor with her.

It had been an eventful night.

The moment they'd finished having dinner, though, she'd put tinker bell on in her room, double checked that she'd taken all her pills and slept for 15 hours straight.

She spent her weekend wandering around in her pyjamas, since she didn't have anything else she needed to do, and continuously called Jackson and Isaac as she knew they were both graduating from whatever school they went to now, as well. She'd gotten some good information on how Ethan was, as well, which she appreciated. Then she'd texted Kira, and had gotten a short answer saying that she was okay and that the skin walkers were helping a lot more than she'd thought they would. After a good few hours of conversation with each of them, and then went to sleep early.

The graduation ceremony for the seniors started at noon that Monday, and she knew that if she was going to deal with the rats nest she called hair beforehand, then she'd have to wake up early.

But instead, Katherine woke up to a text from Lydia. It took her a second to properly read it, since she had yet to completely sleep off the sleeping pill, but when she finally blinked herself awake she couldn't help but smile.

did you want to come
over and get ready with
Malia and I today?

hell yeah I do

should I bring my
own clothes???

no, I've got something
that'll fit you so just
bring your cute self

Lydia you're adorable

She rolled herself out of bed and, cocooned in her blankets, slid down the stairs on her back. Their dad was at the kitchen table reading the news paper, a cup of coffee half way to his mouth. "Are you okay?" He asked after she made no effort to get up.

Katherine blinked and poured. "Coffee," she grumbled, sleepily rubbing her eyes while doing the shittiest sit up in the world to lift her upper half off the floor.

"You look like a zombie rising from the dead," Stiles commented from behind her.

She just grumbled at him as he stepped over her, then grabbed himself a couple pop tarts from the kitchen cupboard.

IN TOO DEEP || Liam Dunbar  [3]Where stories live. Discover now