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real talk, tho, I love and appreciate all of you 💞💞💞

"Stiles; what the fuck do you mean Liam found a child last night?"

Katherine's body had fully healed just in time for the start of second semester, and she was thrilled. Now that everything involving the Dread Doctors, the Beast, and Theo was over she could finally focus on getting homework handed in rather than who was going to die next.

Melissa had confirmed she no longer needed to wear a brace on her ankle because it was now fine, so her crutches were now stuffed in the back of her closet for when — not if, it was definitely when — she would need them next, the bruises on her face were practically non-existent aside from the last splotches of a yellowing one at the outer corner of her left eye, and her ear had healed up perfectly.

All in time for the first day of the second semester of her grade 10 year.

Stiles was staring at her in the middle of the school parking lot as if the answer should've been super obvious. "I mean last night, Liam and Hayden found an abandoned moving car last night on their date—"

"—How can it be abandoned and—"

"—Shut up, literally just listen, oh my god. So it was just rolling down the road and there was a kid in the back seat, no parents, the windshield shot out completely. He's panicking, so they called Dad and he was brought back to the station where Scott did the little werewolf memory-hijack thing and found out there was some guy on a horse with a gun that took them. Apparently they're not dead, but they aren't alive either. No one knows where they are, or who they are. The kid doesn't remember."

Katherine blinked at him and slowly started walking up to the school again, staring at him in astonishment. "And no one thought to wake me up so I could help?"

"You've just started sleeping without needing your pills, KitKat," Stiles sighed softly, turning his upper body to face her as they wandered around, looking for the rest of the pack. "We're trying to let you live a semi-normal life."

Katherine tucked her now-short hair behind her ears — getting bored with a pair of scissors led to having her hair cut from below her chest to the ends just brushing the tops of her shoulders when it was loose — and she scoffed at him. "Yeah, because I can totally live a normal life when I live in Beacon Hills."

The sarcastic expression on his face softened as he sighed, and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm trying to do you a favour here, dude," he mumbled, kissing the top of her head awkwardly. "Stop whining about it. Now go find the others, I need to talk to Malia."

Katherine wandered around for a little bit until she found Scott and Lydia sitting at one of the outdoor tables near the lacrosse field working on homework for the day while Stiles tried to talk to Malia ten feet away and interrupted her yearbook photo. She sat down beside Lydia, a deep frown on her face that didn't go away, even as Stiles and Malia came over and bickered.

They talked for a while, pointedly ignoring her expression which she didn't like much either, and they teased Stiles for not signing up for his photos, and Scott made a comment about how he might be purposefully missing out on key milestones because of stress and then explained he was writing a psych paper before looking at her and sighing. "You know we did it because we care about you, Kat," Scott promised her, his eyes gentle.

She stared at him. "One text," she pointed out, arms folding over her chest. "Literally just one, it's not that difficult. You open your phone, move your fingers across a keyboard and say something like Hey Katherine, sorry for waking you up, Liam and Hayden found an abandoned child in an even more abandoned car last night, no big deal, get some sleep and we'll keep you updated." Her arms fell to her sides and se frowned at him again. "I'm in this world just as much as you guys are, okay? You can't start leaving me out now, I won't let you."

IN TOO DEEP || Liam Dunbar  [3]Where stories live. Discover now