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The boys had gone home on their own that night, after Liam had mostly healed and Mason had promised he was feeling fine. She had downed six coffees before lunch break started and ensured her bat stayed firmly in place in her backpack. Katherine followed the two of them through the school for the classes they shared, just as she always did. But something we different now.

Anxiety flooded her body on and off again, but it wasn't the usual kind. Normally for her it was cold, trembling hands and a prickling up the front of her body that alerted her something was going very very wrong. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder now, for what she wasn't entirely sure.

Every little noise at night made her flinch. She couldn't go around corners without taking a quick look around them first. Scott, Malia and Lydia informed her that the Hellhound they encountered had been killed, but she honestly wasn't sure if that made her feel better.

What, in their chaotic little town, could kill a Hellhound?

As the school day rolled to an end she found herself chewing on the skin around her nails while standing patiently outside the boys change room. Liam had recruited Brett to help him run drills with the new freshmen players that had joined the team, wanting to get them ready enough to have a shot at being a first line player just like he had been.

Just like Scott had been.

She knew he was struggling with the idea of the graduates leaving them. Of them being in charge of the town, whether anyone believed they were or not. Because Katherine knew that no matter what, if bad things were starting to happen again, Liam would hold himself responsible, just as she would herself. If people died on their watch she would have a hard time forgiving herself for it.

The change room door swung open and Liam grumbled his way out out with a frantically rambling Mason — "you guys are gonna do so well I promise I believe in you I've seen you all on the field it's gonna be great" — slung over his shoulder. Liam dropped him on his feet which was apparently startling enough to make him silent. He looked ready to complain but stopped himself as he met his friends eyes because Liam wasn't watching him anymore.

His eyes were focused on Katherine, which had her raising her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" He asked her softly with furrowed brows, moving forward until he could gently hold her upper arms in his hands. "Whats going on?"

" 'm just anxious," she shrugged, allowing herself to slump into his arms for a moment.

"How come?"

"No idea."

"Okay," was his answer. He just gave her a light squeeze and asked, "do you want me to drop you off at home before we start then?"

"Hell no," Katherine snorted, pulling her head back just enough to make a face at him. "Lori said she was going to be here and I am not missing out on that."

"I have snacks in my bag, we can shit talk if that's on the table," Mason offered with a faint smile from beside her.

Grinning, Katherine let go of her boyfriend to throw herself at Mason in a tackle-like hug. "Fuck yeah."

They didn't make it to the blue back doors before they were stopped outside the councillors office, and her anxiety immediately curled into annoyance at the sight of the new guidance councillor herself. Ms Monroe.

"There you are," she beamed at them. Katherine just folded her arms over her chest and moved to walk away, but Mason hooked an arm around her shoulders and held her in place. "I've got openings tomorrow if you're willing to talk," she hummed pointedly at Liam.

"I've got nothing to talk about," he shrugged awkwardly.

"He has lots to talk about," Mason corrected him with a generally unhelpful slap on the back.

IN TOO DEEP || Liam Dunbar  [3]Where stories live. Discover now