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They decided to follow the compass once school had ended, and they spent the rest of the class doing — or in Katherine's case, attempting — to complete the physics lab they'd been assigned. Mason wound up teaching her how to do the entire thing because she couldn't find a single portion of it that she understood, and she didn't like not understanding things, but found that with his help she was able to get through the majority of it within the block.

When the bell went signaling the end of the day, Katherine slung her bag over her shoulder and hi-tailed it out of the school with Liam and Mason. The other two couldn't come because Hayden had to meet her sister at the station, and Corey had family obligations, though he hadn't been specific as to what they were. So, just like it had been in their freshman year, it was just the three of them following some obscure to a completely-unknown-and-potentially-harmful place that they could end up dead in.

She walked for the first ten minutes, then jumped on Liam's back without any kind of warning because she knew he'd catch her like he always did. Though he had yelled and dropped his backpack in surprise, he'd caught her with ease and hadn't complained about it once, just carried her through the streets of Beacon Hills while following Mason, snickering quietly as she crappily sang I Want it That Way by The Backstreet Boys at the top of her lungs.

She only jumped down when Mason slowed to a stop in front of them at the bottom of a tall driveway. It led up to a massive stone house with an unkempt and overgrown yard, boarded up windows, and a eerie feeling of emptiness. "Yeah," Katherine sighed as she looked up at it, her hands on her hips. "Yeah, that looks about right. We never get to sneak into nice houses. It's always the creepy ones."

"Always," Mason agreed.

Liam went up first, as he insisted to because he was the only supernatural one there, though her and Mason were close behind him. While he looked at the compass on his phone, she dug a flashlight out of her backpack that she always kept there for reasons specifically like this, and held her breath as Liam twisted the door handle open.

The inside looked just as abandoned as the inside, and she found herself taking in shallow breaths so she wouldn't disturb the eerie, frigid silence that enveloped the entire house, only to let out a shriek as a shape came barreling around the corner of the entrance hall at them, though after taking one look at the army green canvas jacket the guy was wearing, her heart rate slowed considerably.

"What are you doing here?" Liam stuttered out, his hands awkwardly set on his hips.

"This is Alex's house," Scott panted as though they'd scared him too. "What are you doing here?"

"This is where the compass led us," Katherine shrugged with a derpy expression on her face to hide the fact that it felt like her heart might've plummeted down to her stomach.

"What compass?"

Mason held it out to him, only to find that the compass was spinning around in a manor that definitely wasn't normal. "Why is it doing that?" Scott frowned slightly.

"I have no idea." Mason was frowning too.

"They're all doing it," Liam murmured, looking down at his phone screen. Katherine pulled out her own and watched as the compass app spun around in circles.

Then, the covering atop the old compass they'd taken from Mr Douglas' classroom shattered and stopped spinning, and a single muffled gunshot rang out upstairs.

After one look at Scott's face she booked it upstairs while smoothly grabbing her bat from her bag that Mason was still carrying, and she lifted it over her shoulder as swiftly as she could. She knew that where Scott went Stiles went to, and it was more than likely that he was being shot at on the upper floor of the abandoned house.

IN TOO DEEP || Liam Dunbar  [3]Where stories live. Discover now