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A/N: k fair warning I might be bad at math but I'm pretty sure Liam, Mason, Corey and Kat are supposed to be in g11 not g12 so I'm making them eleventh graders and some bonus chapters will maybe probably cover their senior year so there might be some parts of the time line that aren't the same as the show but I genuinely don't remember single god damn thing because I watched this half once 2 years ago while procrastinating a math test so you'll have to bare with me

Sitting on the pillow's at the head of Scott's bed with her AP psychology textbook over her folded legs, Katherine listened calmly as the two boys spoke in uneven voices about the evening's events while simultaneously swearing at the suitcase they had been trying to force closed for the last five minutes. Her coffee was set on her knee as she read, glasses repeatedly sliding down her nose to the point where she was using the edge of the mug itself to push them back up.

Once they'd returned to the field and practice had resumed, Katherine had continued reading her text book in hopes of getting ahead, but instead found herself trying to multitask between psychology and what in the hell caused a bajillion and a half spiders to crawl out of a wolfs face. She'd been so distracted that she hadn't even realized she'd read the same sentence over and over until Liam came to get her with the promise of coffee.

He'd known right away that she hadn't learned a single thing, and had volunteered to put her bat in the trunk where any possible spider remnants could be battered to shit on the ride back to Scott's house, as he'd agreed to help him out with packing up a few more things.

Which was exactly how she wound up where she was, refusing to help because she'd packed the first half of the room with him while Liam was at work one day. "Whatever happened to those wolves was definitely supernatural," Liam huffed throwing all of his body weight onto the suitcase in hopes of hearing it click.

"Well, I wouldn't say definitely," Scott grunted, doing the exact same thing while Katherine took a sip from her mug and flipped the page she was on. "It could've been a parasitic infection. I mean, we get dogs that come into the clinic that have botflies coming out of their skin."

She heard Liam pause. "Can that happen to people?"

"Yeah," he huffed out, and something clattered onto the ground slightly. "Yeah, they crawl under the skin, lay some eggs," the suitcase was closed, so they tossed it onto the bed at her feet "—and eventually they—" it flung open, and a shirt landed across her legs "—burst."

"Fucking hell you two," Katherine muttered. She set the old gummy worms receipt in the book to hold her page and tossed the shirt back into the suitcase, slamming the lid down, then sat down on top of it criss-cross-apple-sauce style.

Having clearly given up, the two of them sat down on either side of her, Liam on the left with his elbow comfortably sitting on her thigh. "So, you wanna talk about it?" Scott asked finally, causing Katherine's head to snap up.

"I thought we were talking about it," Liam mumbled.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about."


"Yeah, you," Scott smiled gently. "Your fangs, your eyes, the growl."

"Did he really?" Katherine gaped at him, hand settling down next to the elbow still on her leg. "What the fuck was I doing that I missed this?"

Liam grimaced, averting his eyes. "Sounds like we're gonna talk about this."

"You just gotta remember your mantra," Scott reminded him evenly, a knowing look in his eye. "What three things cannot long be hidden?"

"I haven't had to use that in—"

"—Hey; what three things cannot long be hidden?"

"The sun, the moon, the truth," Liam grumbled, and Katherine automatically curled herself around the arm in her lap, cheek against his arm and both of her hands holding his.

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