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A/N: why did it take me literally more than a year to update this?

because I have commitment issues and the idea of me having to commit to writing the end of this series or trilogy or whatever it's called made me sad so I ran away, that's my bad guys

also I'm on new anxiety meds again and only have a 7 day free trial with amazon prime so I'm probably gonna be cranking out chapters, so I think we might be back bitches 💞

That day, Katherine hadn't expected much to happen.

School had gone normally for once. Liam had picked her up at her house that morning even though she had said she would walk so he could sleep in a little later. But he'd brought her coffee and an unopened box of pop tarts because she usually forgot to bring lunches, so she decided to forgive him.

She had made it through the day without threatening to kill anyone she wasn't already prepared to throttle. She had only grabbed for her bat once. Naturally Mason had kept her from using it, shooting incredulous looks towards his boyfriend when Corey tried to reason with him over it.

One normal day wasn't enough for her to forget about the general chaos she lived in. Not even enough to lull her into a false sense of security.

But when she got a text from her dad that evening while making herself a box of craft dinner, she hadn't expected it to be aimed to the pack group chat. Let alone about Theo Raeken.

So wordlessly Katherine had set her cooking utensils aside and grabbed her things. She didn't even have to ask Scott to pick her up, he was already waiting in the driveway for her. The first thing she asked him was what the fuck, which he only sighed and shrugged at. Then he gave her free reign over the music, which wound up being Taylor Swift for the entirety of the ride.

She was quiet as he parked the Jeep in the closest spot to the doors, and smiled politely at Jacquelyn, who had been left in charge of the front desk. Scott followed dutifully behind her, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans as they found her dad standing in his office with Parrish, Liam, Lydia and Malia.

Without looking at them, Katherine handed Scott her bag and walked straight down the hallway to where the lock up cell was and marched right up to the barred door. Inside Theo was leaning against the corner closest to her, while a young couple — a short blonde girl and a tall Asian boy — were huddled together on the small metal bench.

She spared the two of them a long, calculating glance before returning to the main problem. "Theo, what in the fuck."

"It wasn't me," he grumbled, defensively raising his hands.

"That's what literally every murderer has said ever, you dingus," Katherine scoffed without missing a beat. "What the fuck did you do."

"I didn't do anything," he spat back and waved an arm around. "The two of them are the ones you need to be pushing for answers here."

"Explain how," she demanded bluntly, "because usually when someone dies it's a pretty safe bet for us to look at you for answers."

Theo just rolled his eyes. "I had nothing to do with any of this," he snapped again, "come on, Katherine. Seriously." She didn't say anything as Theo spun around halfway to the other two and with open arms, said, "who did you kill?" He looked between them. "Was it you?" Silence. "Both of you then? Who's the murderer here?"

"Because it just couldn't be you, right?" Katherine snorted.

The face he made at her was mocking. "All right, I get it," he glared. "The longer you stay quiet, the better. Right? But you're here for murder. And they're keeping me here, too. But you're the murderers."

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