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The next day, Katherine walked to school.

From the moment she had woken up she was certain that it wouldn't be a good idea for her to be around Monroe with the level of blood lust that coursed through her. But she also wanted the guidance counsellor to have to look her in the face. To feel the her panic when she realised that Katherine Claudia Stilinski knew full fucking well what had happened the previous night. What she had done.

When she realised the Sheriff's daughter could pin a double homicide on her with just the snap of her fingers and a handful of words. But she wasn't going to do that, because the mental torture of what she could do would be infinitely better than Monroe having that answer. She wanted Monroe to suffer just as much as she was going to for the rest of her life.

So she dressed herself in a loose T-shirt that she paired with a hoodie and comfortable jeans, then put her shoes on and began the walk. She brought a coffee in her travel mug and didn't even care when she overfilled it and the liquid burned her hand. She just rinsed it off, and went out the door.

She didn't see anyone on her way to school, which was a blessing on its own.

People were the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. The closer she got to the school the more angry she felt until she was standing at the front doors and all she could feel was that calm, simmering rage bubbling beneath her surface because Brett and Lori were fucking children. Children who had been born into a life of danger and violence, but had the courage to try and become more than that.

And they were murdered for it. They had been murdered in cold blood by someone they were supposed to be able to trust, who was supposed to be advocating for them. A guidance councillor was meant to be helpful to students in figuring out who they are and how they could navigate their lives in the beginning of their independence. They weren't supposed to get away with murder.

So Katherine calmly pushed the front doors open and stalked inside. She shoved past the other students without giving a shit that they were snapping at her for it. But slowly, the vocal threats stopped.

By the time she was at the end of the hallway the majority of the students were staring at her with something that once would've made her feel extremely guilty; fear. They were afraid of her because they had heard about Liam becoming a monster with glowing eyes at the scene of a car accident. A car accident where two people, one of whom was a school rival, had died.

That only angered her more. She slowly stared each of them down until they looked away, and then went about her business.

She found Liam and Mason standing at their lockers, both of them jumping when she cleared her throat from behind them. Apparently she had been quieter than intended. "They know," was the first thing Liam said to her, panic scrawled across his face.

"Just rumours," Mason shook his head at him before she had the chance to speak. "They don't know anything."

"They know everything," Corey cut in, stopping his abrupt walking pace beside her. There were two sophmores on the lacrosse team there last night."

Mason grimaced. "Yeah, was late, it was pitch black out, there was fog on the road..."

"It was a clear night, the full moon was out and it was a well-lit intersection," Katherine cut in, jaw clenching with muted rage. "Anyone could've seen...hell, they all saw me holding two dead bodies in the middle of the road."

It wasn't that she was angry with Mason, because she honestly wasn't. She was just angry, and he was trying to make the situation seem better than it was. It wouldn't help any of them.

"I have to get out of here," Liam hissed, anxiously reaching out to grab her hand.

She gave it a squeeze.

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