reunited 3/3

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a month later.

You wake up out of your sleep, looking out the window you see a beautiful two story house.

Is this ours?

As you pull into the driveway, you take your AirPods out and look around. Everything is so colorful. This house is much bigger than our Bridgeland house.. WAIT, IM IN CALIFORNIA.

You unbuckle your seatbelt and stretch. Wow that was a long ride. You open the car door and watch your brother and dad open the trunk to get your luggage. The moving van pulls up. You walk up to the front door where you see your mom pulling the house keys out. She unlocks the door.

Damn, this house is huge. And beautiful. All I know is I better have a sexy ass bathroom and big bedroom. Also another walk in closet. I need my clothing space.

You start unpacking your items and clothing, putting them where they belong. You look at the time. 5:32 pm.

Shit, I gotta get dressed.

You grab your favorite scent of body care, white jasmine, and head to the bathroom. You turn the shower to hot and hop in for 30 minutes. You walk back into your room and look through your suitcase for the outfit you pre packed for tonights dinner. You decided to be classy tonight. You paired a beige semi see-through tie crop top with some flare jeans. You sprayed 5 spritz of perfume and walked downstairs to your family giving you the death stare.

You : What?

Mom : Destiny now you know damn well they made reservations for 7 pm and you wanna come down at 6:30. We do not know this town like we know Bridgeland, come on, get in the car or were gonna be extra late.

You follow your family to the car and drive to this fancy restaurant. El Cabo Grille.

I bet Melo goofy ass picked this.

You open the car door and step out. You see a tall lanky light skin boy smiling.

LaMelo Ball.

Melo : Destiny? Damn girl..

You : Hey LaMelo

* you laugh *

Melo reaches over to give you a hug and you lean in.

He smells so damn good.

You see Gelo and Zo and wave. They wave back. Xavier walks off with them. You look up at Melo and smile.

Melo : Okay train tracks, I see you.

*y'all laugh and you play hit him*

Destiny : Boy stop playing on my top , let's go in this restaurant and eat. Ive been working all day.

You two walk to the entrance and he stops to open the door for you. You walk in and blush. He walks you to the table and motions for you to sit on the inside of the booth. You sit. He sits next to you. You're sitting across from Gelo. Your parents are at the bar.

Gelo : Look at little Dezo, all grown up. How old are you now, 18?

You : 17, 18 in August.

Zo : Thats right cause Melo always was a year older than you, and I remember y'all had them conjoined parties. Barbies and Racecars.

Melo blushes. You look at him and laugh. The waiter comes up to the table.

Waiter : What can I get for the young lady today?

You : Um, lemonade please.

Waiter : Okay one lemonade for the beautiful girl, and for the boys what can I get you?

Melo : Lemonade please.

Zo : Let me get the um, passion fruit watermelon margarita.

Xavier : Lemme get one of them too.

This nigga is not 21 the hell?

Gelo : I'll have a water.

Waiter : Okay 2 lemonades, 2 passion fruit watermelon 'ritas, and 1 water. I'll be back with those drinks and I'll be ready to take your orders.

Gelo : Thank you sir.

Zo laughs as the waiter walks away.

Zo : Bro y'all seen Melo face when ol dude called Destiny beautiful. Bro was mad mad.

Melo : Nigga I didn't make a face, the hell you talking bout?

Gelo : Nah man you was definitely feeling some type of way when he said that.

You : Y'all are being mean stop it.

Not them trying to bully Melo LMFAO

Xavier : Damn Des, it's something we don't know?

You : No y'all know everything y'all need to.

Melo opens his snapchat and starts sending snaps. You rest your chin on his bicep and stick your tongue out. He snaps the photo and saves it.

Melo : Whats your snap so I can send it to you?

You : Don't make fun of me I made it in the 8th grade. destinylovepizza492

The whole table laughs while the waiter comes back with the drinks.

Melo : Girl at this point you should've just made a new one cause what the hell?

You look into Melos eyes.

Hes beautiful.

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