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You cant believe you just had sex with Melo. You cant believe you liked it. As he carries you to the bathroom, you feel light as a feather. He slowly lets you down at the doorway and hands you a towel to wrap your body in. You take the towel and cover up. He turns the water to hot, to make sure the glass fogs up. He closes the door and leans against it. You stare into space thinking about what you just did.
Melo : You good Des?
You nod. You're just fascinated. He opens the shower door and steps in.
Melo : You gon keep my kids on your stomach or?
You laugh and follow him in there. Its like a sauna. You can barely feel your legs. You walk closer to Melo, grabbing his wrist and placing it on your lower back. He bites his lip and pulls your body to his. Where your breasts meet at his stomach. You grab his head and pull it towards yours.
Melo whispers. " Round 2? "
You slightly smile.
You : I think you did enough damage, I can barely feel my legs.
Melo smirks and starts to rub your butt in a circular motion, some squeezing involved as well. You continue to pull his head until your foreheads touch. You're lips are like magnets. They attract each other. His wet body touching yours. Feels good. You can feel his dick getting harder and harder. It's poking your leg.
You : Somebody's excited.
You kiss him again and your hand travels from his face to his chest. He gently leans you against the shower door, where he places his hand on it, leaving a print, along with your ass cheeks. He grabs your left leg and lifts it up. You two kiss for another good minute, until it starts to get hotter and hotter. You drop your leg and push Melo away.
You : It's getting hot and I still have your kids on my stomach Melo.
Melo laughs and grabs a washcloth and soap. It's his favorite scent, Dior Sauvage. He squirts some on the cloth and starts to rub your stomach. You get butterflies hoping he'll "accidentally" go lower. But he doesn't. He hands you the towel and you start to wash yourself. He grabs his own, and does the same. You two continue to wash up until the fog is all over the bathroom. You cant see. Melo turns off the water and opens the shower door, disappearing into the mist. You follow him. You hear a door open and the fog follows out. He draws a heart on the mirror, and takes a picture of it. He turns around to smile at you and sees his handprint and your ass print on the shower. He taps your shoulder and points. He takes a picture of that too. This time, he posts those pictures on his private story called " life of a lightskin ". I laugh at him and go to the room to grab my baby oil. Always, have to stay moisturized. I come back and Melo's holding two robes. He throws one on my head. I snatch the robe off and set my baby oil on the counter. He grabs it.
Melo : So thats why you're skin feels like a baby.
You laugh and grab the bottle from him. You open it and put some on his body. Shiny. Sleek. Sexy. You start to rub it in his chest.
Melo : Lemme do you then.
You hand him the bottle and he tells you to follow him. He grabs a towel and lays it over the bed. He points for you to lay down. You do.
You : Not you finna give me a massage. Make sure you get my legs bro you tore them up.
He laughs and starts applying the oil. He's rubbing your body up and down and gets to your inner thighs. He looks up and you and smirks.

No Melo, please, I don't feel like taking another shower.

Melo : All done.
He hands you a robe and walks to the bathroom to put his on.
Melo : Aye come here for a second.
He's sitting on the toilet. You sit on his lap. He's still hard.
Melo : Lets take some pictures, but hide yo face so it can be like, suspense for my fans.
You : Why you wanna put yo fans through that distress? You know damn well they gon freak
Melo : Cause I'm Melo. I do what I want.
You stand up and grab his hand. He stands up as well. You both walk to the mirror. You grab his phone and lean over the sink. He's standing behind you. You make sure to angle the phone where your face isn't showing, but your top knot is. You take several pictures, some ones with face, nudes, kissing, but those are just for you two. He posts the one with you leaning over the sink, and he's throwing up both hands, looking " confused ". It's cute.
His phone lights up.

@meloballfanpage , @melod1p and 18,728 others liked your photo.
@meloballfanpage commented on your photo : " ladies we lost him "
@melosbasketball commented on your photo : " this better be a PRANK! "

He smiles and turns his phone off. He kisses your neck and walks to the bedroom.

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