pink pill.

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You hear the sound of a suit case entering the house. It's Xavier. You run downstairs and hug him. Even though you two fight everyday, you missed him.

Xavier : Hey Des
You : Hey Xavier, how was the trip?

Xavier sets his bag to the side and sits at the bar.

Xavier : It was good, we won majority of the games , lost probably like 2.
Mom : Awe honey your home!

Mom walks over to him and kisses his forehead.

Mom : So look, on Saturday I need you to.. look decent. Were throwing you and Melo a welcome back party and we hired a camera man.
Xavier : Deadass? Oo bet
You : A camera man?
Mom : Yes he's gonna record the party and do some pictures, we want this to be memorable.

You remembered. The pills. You smile and nod. Heading upstairs. As you walk up the stairs, you look down. Melo's calling. You answer and trip.

Melo : Damn girl what the fuck

Melo laughs.

You : Bro dont start cause this yo fault.

You sit on the stairs.

Melo : I'm home, when you want me to come by?
You : Actually, my mom said you get a welcome home party, ion know why you not that special...
Melo : Oh i'm not that special??
You : Nah you really not ..
Melo : Oh aight, keep that same energy

You laugh and get up from the stairs, heading to your room. You walk in and close the door. You lay on your bed.

You : Baeee

Melo mocks you

You : Chill cause you playin on my top for what.
Melo : I miss you
You : You finna see me on Saturday, you can wait bub.
Melo : Bro ion wanna wait tho

You hear Lavar in the background asking Melo who he's talking to.

Melo : Hold on Des, ill call you back.


You put on a cute outfit, but not too cute, cause it's not going to be on for majority of the night. You do a simple slick back with your natural hair. You walk downstairs to see Melo and your dad talking.

You : Hey dad
Dad : Hey girl
Melo : Damn I cant get a hey?

He playfully hits you but then looks scared because of your dad.

Dad : Don't be beating up my daughter
Melo : Yes sir
You : Hey LaMelo
Melo : Not the government

He laughs. You walk away and let them finish their convo. Its brief. Melo follows behind you but making it seem like he's going somewhere else. You two meet by the stairs and make sure no ones around. He kisses you. You kiss back.

You : I missed you so much.
Melo : I missed you too.. what was the surprise?
You : Oh! Wait here.

You run upstairs and look for the pills. You grab them and throw them down the balcony. Melo catches them and looks at the front and back. He looks up and laughs.

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