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You watch Gelo and Xavier leave for the party, now it's just you and Melo.

Melo : So wassup what we doing tonight. Mini sleepover?

You : We can if you want.

Melo : To be a hundred, I wanna talk.

He wants to talk? About what? Gosh..

You : About...?

Melo : Us.

You : Yeah us...

Melo : Look, Des, Ion know dawg its something about you.. ever since I saw you onna gram I was like " Damn, this really my Destiny? " and I was like " I gotta have her ."

Shit Melo.

You : You dead ass? Melo..

Melo : Man..

You lean in and kiss him. He kisses back. You feel butterflies in your stomach.

Melo : Destiny don't finish what you can't start.

You're turned on. You move closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck, smiling and kissing his neck. He lets out a soft moan. He puts his hand on your waist and travels lower. He looks at you for approval. You nod. He slowly put his hand on your butt and gently squeezes it. You bite your lip and laugh.

Fuck, am I really about to fuck this boy? Am I ready?

You kiss his neck once more and sit on the bed. He stands over you and takes his shirt off. Leaning over you he kisses your neck, then your collar bone. You close your eyes and let him do his thing. He tugs at your shirt and you take it off for him, revealing your leopard print bra. He snickers.

Melo : Cute bra.

You slightly smile and trace a heart on his chest. His kisses your chest all the way down to your stomach. You get butterflies. He continues.

Melo : You sure you wanna do this?

You nod. He gets up and goes to the other room.

Um.. why'd he leave if we were just about to-

He walks back in with a gold wrapper in his mouth. It's a condom. He throws it at you and you catch it. Large.

Not he finna re-arrange my guts.

Melo spreads your legs and lifts them over his shoulders.

It doesn't seem like his first time.. but at least he knows what he's doing.

He takes your nike pros and slides them off, showing your tattoo and matching leopard panties. He laughs and runs his finger across the tattoo on your pelvic bone.

Melo : When did this happen?

You : 16th birthday.

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