My Mistake

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♧Sakura POV♧

    What the... he's gone?! I gasped and covered my mouth. He's really gone... I looked around the room. Hinata was sobbing on the floor on her knees.

    But everyone else seemed unaffected. I breathed in and out a few times. Tears started rolling down my face. God, I'm crying again. When will I stop crying?!

      The ANBU who had come to search Naruto's apartment came in.

"What are you guys doing here?!" One asked.

"He's gone...He's gone...He's gone." Hinata repeated through tears.

"If you could pass me the paper you have Haruno." another asked me.

    I shakily handed it to him. He looked at the note, and immediately ran to the Hokage's office. Another ANBU told us to leave so that they could investigate.

    Then, my temporary master, Shizune came in.

"Lord 5th has summoned all of you, come quickly!" Shizune said sternly.

    We rushed to the Hokage's office as fast as was could. When we were in the office Shizune sighed before talking.

"We have some concerning, news. This might be very hard for you all to take in, so take a deep breathe" she started.

    I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. The door to the office opened slowly we all looked back to see who it was. The visitor was Lady Tsu-Tsunade?!

    We all looked at her and shock.

"But how?!" Ino asked.

"There is something that I have to explain to you." Tsunade started. "I need to know...who told you I was dead."

"I-I heard it from Sakura," Shikamaru stated.

All the others agreed in unison.

"Sakura.." Shizune spat.

"Where you hear that information " Tsunade asked impatiently.


"Answer the question." Tsunade demanded.

I was stuttering and I could barely talk.

"I-I was near the s-secret room a-and I," I stopped. "I heard Shizune and Kakashi-sensei talking a-about something and I-I heard t-that... Ts-Tsunade was dead  b-because of N-Naruto." I breathed.

"Sakura!" Shizune shouted. "I told you time and time again that that place OFF-LIMITS. I also told you that was where we talking about classified information!"

"When exactly did you hear it?!" Tsunade shouted.

"It was a-around 6:37 and it took me a m-minute to get down."

Shizune facepalmed in anger.

"We said that Tsunade was NOT dead and that Naruto Uzumaki was not to be blamed for it!" Shizune screamed in frustration.

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