My Training

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September 5th
Day 9 in the Akatsuki
☆Naruto POV☆

    I had been in this cave for around a week,
mostly reading. I was more comfortable around Deidara, Konan, and Tobi. Still, I couldn't talk to Tobi much without getting annoyed.

    Itachi and Kisame had gone on a mission today, so there were less people to worry about. Right now, I was talking to Deidara with Sasori being very quiet.

"Did you know that if your fire style is hot enough, could melt an ocean?" He questioned.

"Mhm." I responded.

    The rest of our break was alot like that, except when Tobi came ranted about candy for five minutes.

So, how you doing kit?

You should know that already

Fine *hmphs dramatically*

    I came back to reality.

"Naruto." I heard behind me.

"Yeah?" I mumbled.

    It was Pein again, wonder what he wanted this time. I could tell that the Akatsuki weren't used to having Pein appear so often.

"Come with me." He demanded.

    It wasn't like I had a choice, so I followed him anyway. We were in a room that definitely had sound canceling genjutsu on it.

"Alot of requests have been made by Akatsuki train you." He started.

Wait they specifically recommended that I was trained?!

This entire organization is sus.

Yeah ngl.

"They did?" I asked.

"Yes." He responded. In reality Konan had pestered him all day to do so, and when the other members heard about this, they did begged him as well just to be annoying.

"Oh um-"

"For now, Konan will train you."

"Oh ok, great!" I replied.

    I left the room casually, but I had a soft smile on my face. Maybe this place wasn't so bad.

○Time Skip○

    I was going to the Akatsuki's backyard to go start training with Konan. She was sitting at the bench waiting for me.

    I walked towards here sort of awkwardly and gave a small wave. She looked towards me and started my training.

"Alright Naruto," she said patiently. "I need to know your chakra type and the jutsu you know."

    I hesitated. Telling her everything I could do would make me trivially easy to defeat, what if she was tricking me?

    She looked at me sideways expecting an answer. I sighed.

"Well, I have wind chakra, and some of the jutsu I know are..." I stopped for a moment. "Rasengan, Kashina, Shadow Clone jutsu, Toad summoning, Hare- uhm.., and 1000 Years of Death.

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