For years, Naruto had nothing. No love, no family, no strength, and no happiness. Only when he leaves Konoha does he get everything he's wanted. And it only takes moments for that same village to take it away again.
☆Hello, I'm Midane. This is my fi...
Breathe in, breathe out. The people of the village need to know.
Hello Konoha, I know, I'm supposed to be dead. But as can see, I am not dead. In fact I was never dead. What you heard was a misunderstanding. A leak of information from someone trusted...
I could see Sakura flinch in the crowd. All of Konoha stared at me, how was I alive?
The day I "died", I was in a very deep coma. One that should've put me to sleep for months. But thanks to a miracle. I am alright.
The part that I would have to say next would make my heart ache.
Yesterday, Naruto Uzumaki left Konoha.
Some of the crowd cheered and rejoiced at it. It was disgusting.
Why? He didn't see this village as a home, with people who care for him.
The murmers in the audience quieted down. And the laughs and comments became silent
Instead, Konoha was like a prison to him. One where everyone hates him and there was no way out. Naruto tried his hardest to save me that day. But what most do not understand is that.
I took one more deep breathe.
The bravery it took to at least try and save me, should be admired, not despised. We have to remember, that this was genin level ninja. Who still risked his life to try and save me. And if he hadn't done anything, I'd surely be dead.
The crowd became silent and I felt guilt from all of Konoha. The next part would be hard as well.
Naruto left, note before he left. . . . . .
I've been patient with Konoha. Second chance after second chance. I can't be patient forever though. Everyone has a limit.
Goodbye, Konoha.
I didn't want to believe his last name. I looked down at the the wide-eyed crowd. This was my responsibility. I had to say.
Signed, Naruto Namikaze
As you some of you might know. That is the last name of L-Lord Fourth...
Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage...
I couldn't stand it anymore. I walked of the stage heavy-hearted. Every step feeling like a thousand years.
I stared up at the Konoha Eleven backstage. Sakura was shaking in shock with a horrified expression on her face. Sasuke was in the back of the room buried in his hands.
I wish I didn't have to say this to then but, I had too.
I walked off of the stage and went to my office. Right now, I didn't know if I wanted to be alone or with some else.
Gosh, I wish I had been nicer to Naruto... I took out my stash of sake in one of the drawers and started drinking. I need to get my mind of everything.
○Time Skip
I was definitely drunk by now. I was about to have another shot when I heard a knock.
"Come in.." I mumbled.
"Hey Tsunade!" Someone called out casually.
I knew it was Jiriaya right from his voice.
"So how are you doing?" He asked me.
"Not the best..." I muttered.
"I know that this is something really hard for you Tsunade. We have no idea where he is. But we can hope that he's somewhere safe."
"Yeah..." I mumbled quietly.
Even though it was mostly a one-sided conversation, I truly was happy he was here.
◇Sasuke POV◇
Naruto, why'd you leave us? I still wanted to friends or something like that. And now, for all I know you might be dead.
None of Konoha 11 took it well. Sakura started crying again.
Shikamaru looked sad and felt like he should've stuck with Naruto instead of being on the sidelines.
Neji was not taking it in jvery well. Naruto taught him that you decide your own fate, so when he left, it took a large toll on him.
Lee was disappointed and depressed. In his eyes, he had betrayed both Naruto and Gai Sensei.
TenTen, Ino, and Kiba looked confused but not concerned at all.
Choji ran off to get some food so I assumed he was stress eating.
I didn't know how Shino felt, his expression remained the same as always.
And Hinata well, I could tell she felt the worst.
It's really funny you know, one day they could want Naruto dead and the next they want to hug him. Fakes.
The entire village felt plain now, without a bright Naruto to fill the village with color and happiness.
I can't believe I was thinking of leaving all of them like this. Some friend I am.
But you know what, I'm going to bring Naruto back, no matter what it takes!
3 years later Naruto Shippuden Beginning
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 792 words A pretty short chapter in my opinion. So remember when I said I'd probably upload twice last night. Well I watched a movie (at home) so I didn't have time to make one. Also I really appreciate comments. Thanks for reading!
I also have a new book. I would really appreciate it if you would read it. Ty
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