Cuddle Headcanons

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It's no secret he's possessive, but that's not entirely what drives him to desire holding you close. He won't admit it but deep down in that rotten little heart of his lays a touch starved man yearning for affection. As such when it comes down to finally settling down for the night, there isn't much he likes more than laying down beside you and holding you close in an iron like grip. 

Occasionally he'll even take off his mask, choosing to still hide his face in the crook of your neck as he basks in the contact. Eventually it's one of the few things that can actually calm his mind, even so to the point that he'll even let you do the holding. Regardless of how you cuddle, don't expect to be let go in the morning, he'll have you caged in.

Thomas Hewitt:

Are you kidding me? He loves it. Cuddling to him is one of the highlights of his everyday life, as silly as that sounds. He's touch starved alright? Plus you make him feel so loved when you "try" wrap your arms around his waist- but that doesn't stop him from chuckling when you fail to completely encircle him. Either way, he'll wait until he's cleaned up after supper and can properly retire to your room, but after that all bets are off hon.

He's practically tackled you down to the bed innumerable times, manhandling you as though you weighed nothing until he finds a position that you both agree to be comfortable. His favorite is when he lays down on his back, allowing you to lay your entire body out on top of him- wrapping your arms around his neck as you lazily kiss him goodnight. 


 Although he was hesitant at first, the allure of you lovingly holding him close had him melting in no time. As funny as it was, your huge killing machine of a lover practically begs for cuddles in his own special way. After coming home, he'll drop his weapon of the night and come bounding towards where you might be. The second he finds you, he'll scoop you up like a bride and walk to the cabin's living room where he carefully sits with you still in his grasp.

Of course, time after time you'll scold him for getting blood all over your clothes, usually resulting in him shrugging his shoulders in response. If it really bothers you that much, he'll go clean up but you better believe he's coming back for the snuggles. 

His favorite way to cuddle ends up being with you sitting on the couch, cradling his head in your lap as you coo sweet words down at him.

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