Reacting to their s/o wearing lingerie

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•Being ever true to his usual self, Michael would take a second to process what he was seeing. Doing that cute head tilt thing as he silently lets the image sink in, soon finding himself moving beyond his own control with his calloused fingers carefully tracing the fine details of your little outfit.

•He quickly decides he's rather fond of seeing you like this.

•This is one of those times he's going to torture you a little, undressing you agonizingly slow with a gentleness unbecoming of someone with his ruthless nature. All the while, he'll keep his eyes locked with your own- almost daring you to whine. It's only fair.


•Thomas has only ever seen something so provocative maybe once or twice in one of Monty's old porno mags. Taking this into consideration, you must understand that he almost has a heart attack when he sees his precious (y/n) all dolled up for him.

•Nonetheless, you might have to warn him against being too impatient. He may just accidentally rip your lingerie from the hasty way he tries to remove it, clearly quite enthusiastic.


•He's completely convinced you're like some sort of glorious, sexed up creature. You're gorgeous..

•Brahms, much like Michael, will savor the moment. Carefully commuting each little curve your rather revealing clothes accentuating, taking special note of the way your chest lifted- as though you were presenting yourself to him. He likes this very much.

•Don't worry, he'll be sure to express his pleasure with your decision of dress. However don't be too shocked if he starts insisting you wear it around the manor.

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