Reacting to their s/o slapping their butt

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• What was that? Seriously...?

• You've opened a very big and bad can of worms. Kudos, at least to you having the balls to do that to him of all people.

• Despite what most would assume, he'd just stand statue still for a second, slowly turning around and giving you that signature head tilt thing he does.

• Don't worry, he isn't going to kill you, but..start running. If you catch him in a particularly playful mood, he'll be sure to mess with you in retaliation.

• Would never allude to it but in all honesty, he kind of likes it. Something about you clearly no longer fearing him and being able to push his boundaries makes his heart beat just the slightest bit faster.


• Probably thinks youre punishing him and immediately tries to run away like a little brat in attempt to evade being spanked.

• Once you explain to him that he isn't in trouble and you're simply just trying to play around- he'll perk up and come out of hiding.

• Play? Okay! He likes the sound of that..just hope you don't mind him randomly passing by just to smack your ass periodically. He thinks it's hilarious, he sees why you wanted to play this game!


• The first time you do it his automatic reaction was to whip around and squeak. Yes, squeak.

• What in tarnation were you doing?

• After you teasingly stick your tongue at him and press up against his large frame, he begins to soften his otherwise shocked expression.

• That's when you reached around again, only this time having "successfully" pinned him against the table. Then you'd give his rear another squeeze, causing his blue eyes to turn as big as saucers.

• Slowly but surely, he'll start to chuckle- realizing that you completely intended to do that.

• After this incident, all bets are off. It will soon become a game of "see who can grab the other's ass more without momma Luda Mae noticing."

• Bonus points if someone end whats up getting caught and gets fussed at.

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