What they smell like

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(Weird but just go along with it.)


He has a smell very similar to that piece of clothing left in a dresser for far too long. It isn't really bad but it also isn't the greatest either. Thankfully, since his family has some wealth he often tries to cover it up with some really expensive, strong cologne when he knows he'll be out of the walls.


His mama makes him shower nightly, so he usually smells decent but, as far as his natural smell- it's very strong and meaty? Yeah, that's a good way to describe it. It highly resembles sawdust and the slightest faint smell of iron, (likely from crusted blood under his nails and such.)


BAD okay? It's usually very hot in Texas and he is a very big boy, that being said he sweats a lot so that's one of the things that contributes to his smell. That, coupled with the undeniable stench of tanned hide, blood and bile. Not the nicest smell, luckily- you can convince him to wash up.


Michael kinda falls in that weird place Brahms does, he doesn't smell bad or good. More times than not he smells of dried sweat, oil and gasoline (mostly from the mechanic's suit he sports).


Probably the worse. Bath? Shower? What kind of language are you speaking hon? This boy lives in the woods and smells just like it, dirt, mineral-scented lake water and mildew are just a part of him.

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