Slashers with depressed s/o

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Slashers and how they'd help a depressed s/o...


Okay so he isn't the best at this kind of thing, not a man of many words Y'know? That being said, Michael will still notice your change in mood and be greatly perturbed by it. So, Michael being the way he is- he'll stalk you like no tomorrow until he figures out what's happening.

Once he realizes your change in attitude is due to a mental cause, he is relieved, he understands totally and even..strangely enough, can sympathize.

Expect silent cuddles where he sits behind you and urges you to lay against his chest. It's the most he can do..but at least it's something.


Your gloomy mood has him absolutely distressed. He'd be asking his mama what to do as soon as he could, granted that he's able to communicate with her spirit. Please, anything to cheer his sweet (y/n) up? Please...

Eventually he'll come to the conclusion that a change in scenery would be a good remedy. As such, he'll spontaneously take you out of the cabin and lead you through the tamed woods to a sunlight meadow. There, he'd allow you to relax and take in the peacefulness of your surroundings.

It helps.



Um? Excuse me? You need help? Oh..Okay.

Activate super clingy baby that thinks that distracting you is help.

Much like Jason he starts wigging out. However bubba's way of comforting you consists of spoon feeding you like a babe, making wooden and bone trinkets and tons of bone crushing hugs. But..what he does that really helps is sneak some of chop's weed and smokes it with you.

He completely understands what you're going through, having gone through it as well. That doesn't mean his heart hurts any less... That being said he does everything in his power to help you. Instead of letting you lay around and marinate in your own juices, he takes you outside on their land and lays out in the sun with you- taking a nap out in the sunlight helped him when he felt down so- maybe it'll help you. And if it doesn't, lord he won't stop until something makes you feel at least a little better.

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