Halloween Traditions (myers x reader nsft)

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Halloween, where does one begin? Well, for starters a variety of people's traditions can be observed on the particular night. For instance- generally you can expect poorly executed pranks, teenagers destroying property just for the hell of it, and dozens of enthusiastic children trick r' treating from door to door.

Of course, things were different here.

Haddonfield, Illinois. It isn't exactly hard to put together why the normally exciting holiday wasn't a popular time around the city. All one had to do was utter the name of a certain somebody and the whole town would quiver in fear, the terror of the past years all too fresh in the mind of its citizens. Perhaps that is why everyone thought you were so crazy.

Michael Myers was gone. He was pursued and successfully disappeared the last time he ensued the hunt on Halloween night, not a sign of him anywhere.

You knew different, hell, one could even say you had "intimate" knowledge on the killer's whereabouts. That wasn't important though.

You were quite the spectacle of the small city. Coming from nowhere months prior to the killer's rampage, staying at some low rent apartment, only to wind up purchasing the Myer's household after The Shape disappeared. As though that wasn't good enough to mark you down as the bravest woman in Haddonfield, you even fixed up the damn place, decorating it's restored structure in quite possibly some of the most "over-the-top" decorations the city has seen since the inherent ban of Halloween.

As a matter of fact, that's exactly what you were working on now.

Careful hands seemed to work all on their own accord, guiding the serrated blade of a knife to create the face of what had to have been your eighth jack-o-lantern. Luckily you weren't too intent on carving, instead you were merely buying your time.

He, was coming home soon. You just knew it. You just hoped he wouldn't draw too much attention to his whereabouts and bring the whole police force with him to your house, it wouldn't be easy to recover from playing the innocent unsuspecting victim, at least if you wanted to still coexist with your unlikely lover in his home. What the hell would you even say? "Oh yeah, Michael Myers attacked me in my house..that I'm totally going to still stay in." You would sound crazy.

Maybe you were crazy.

Fortunately before you could go too far the rabbit hole, the quiet open and close of the back door could be heard. Then the sounds of slow, relaxed footfalls could be heard approaching from behind, each and every one causing excitement to swell in your gut and a smile to shape your face.

Just when you felt the anticipation would kill you, two strong arms wrapped around you from behind. "Well hello there, Michael. You're home early.." You greeted your long awaited guest, carelessly shoving your pumpkin away before raising a hand up to his head.

Funny, even when he spared you that fateful night, even when he was getting to know you and let you into his life, fuck, even when you came to a mutual understanding of "togetherness", you were terrified to touch him. You were so afraid that the wrong move would set him off and would ultimately be the last move you ever made. Somehow, and you don't know when it even happened, a genuine trust was formed between the two of you- fear on both your side and his side completely disappearing. A bond was then made, one stronger than you'd think ever possible, especially considering Michael's...eh, complex psyche.

As you raised your hand up, you were pleasantly surprised. Instead of grabbing a handful of coarse costume hair, you were met with curly soft locks. Which only meant...

As though he was aware of your surprise, Michael leaned down and pressed a kiss to your neck. A kiss, meaning that yes, his mask was indeed off. That was thrilling in itself considering the rarity, having only recently becoming comfortable enough to part with his beloved shield.

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