Calling them pet names when mad at them

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•Are you seriously challenging him? Oooh no you don't. Listen, Michael isn't going to respond well to this..I wouldn't do it.

•Pet names would have to be something that grows on him anyways and in a more endearing sense, he grows fond of them. However if you're doing it in a mock threatening manner, he's going to just flat out ignore you.

•Contrary to popular belief, I don't believe Michael would hurt his significant other- but he may be considering it now.

RZ! Myers:

•He may actually be pretty different from his original counterpart in this situation.

•He understands that your little names come from a place of humor and ultimately, love.

•He still will get annoyed with you. Only instead of turning his back and waking away from you, you may just notice two crystal blue eyes rolling behind his mask. Aside from that, you won't really get that much out of him.


•He gets a hoot out of it! If he could fully speak clearly, he would probably do just the same. It's sort of a family thing, if you will!'re a good bit nicer to him than the others are to each other get the gist.

•Depending upon the situation, sometimes he'll give you a head tilt and put his hands on his hips and maybe playfully roll his eyes. You really do bring the best out in him. He hardly ever gives that grumpy scowl anymore.

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