As animals

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I think all of us can agree when I say, if Michael was an animal- he'd most certainly be a cat. He's a master hunter, enjoying the stalking of his prey until he grows bored and closes in. He's silent and (don't laugh) deadly.


Although I had some second thoughts, if Thomas was an animal I think he'd be a wolf. He's fiercely protective over his family, extremely loyal to them, and wary of those he doesn't know.


Don't laugh...

I think if he was an animal, he'd be a raccoon. Silly, isn't it? Well I have my reasons. Firstly I'll start by saying he's clearly quite intelligent and resourceful, both being traits displayed in those sneaky little creatures. Lastly..come on, he gives off major dirty raccoon vibes. A refined one, but still, a raccoon.


Snake. Not for the reason most would assume though. I chose a snake because at his very base, Freddy's story is one of rebirth...even if it's into a horrible dream demon. (like a snake shedding its skin)


He's most certainly a bear. (His stature even reflects the animal) The reason I say this is because of his inherent strength and determination.

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