Taking a bath/shower with their s/o

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Actually really enjoys taking a shower with you- plus it's likely the only time he will take a shower now.

It's going to be way into the relationship that he allows this to happen, specifically because he won't wear his mask in the shower and ruin it. So, this means that he'll be bare faced (as well as bare everywhere else)

He'll stay as still as possible, allowing you to wash his body. Luckily for you, he will lean down so you can wash his hair too. Turns out, Michael becomes a big fan of this kind of attention.

Despite what some may assume, he will totally repay you for your services. Wrapping one strong arm around you to hold you firmly against his chest as he washes you up, resting his head in the crook of your neck while he hums some broken tune that he once heard you sing.

Things will of course take a naughtier turn once he deems you "finished". He thinks it's rather funny that the two of you spent all that time cleaning up, just for him to fuck you up against the wall and make you dirty all over again. And yes, he will purposefully cum inside of you during this time just to watch you shudder.


Due to Tommy's larger size, a nice bath together may not be the most comfortable. You probably don't really care though, he surely doesn't.

After a long day of hard work and getting extremely dirty, taking a bath with you easily becomes one of Thomas's favourite ways to wind down. Things don't even have to get dirty for him to think so.

He'll sink down into the warm water, allowing you to straddle him or lay down on his chest. After you do that, he'll give you a little lopsided grin and rub soothing circles into your back. If you decide to return this favor and massage his shoulders, you'll almost certainly make him groan.

Honestly the two of you are probably going to end up pissing off some of the other family members with how long you take- seeing as neither of you really have an idea of how much time has past, being far too caught up in enjoying each other instead.

If you were to properly wash his hair, he'll be pretty darn happy. That strangely sweet grin growing even larger upon his scarred face as you run your fingers delicately through his wet hair. He's more than happy to pay you back too! Don't worry, despite his large size and strength, he can be gentle.


Ever tried getting a cat to go into a bathtub? That's basically Jason bathing in a nutshell. Look..he trusts you...but no. You'd have better luck wrestling an alligator.

However, if you really beg and plead- he might just budge, no matter what though, it's not likely to be the ideal romantic bath you might've had in mind.

He'll sit there, tense as a rock with his hands gripping the sides of the tub, as you bathe him.

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