What their kids would be like (Michael myers edition)

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As per request of a friend, I shall resume this series!

Kudos for convincing Myers to impregnate you and not flip his shit, btw.

Michael would have one daughter. After a while of mulling names back and forth, the two of your decided to name her "Lilith Audrey Myers"- naming her somewhat after her father..which made the usually expressionless man give a small grin.

Much to your dismay, your child would display a lot of their father's characteristics. She wasn't friendly to anyone except you and her "da", she didn't speak very much, and she could be quite ruthless. Eventually she'll grow out of these less than good traits tho...for the most part at least.

As far as appearances are concerned-

She resembles Michael quite well. She has a very angular facial structure with pronounced cheekbones, straight eyebrows, full lips, a straight nose, and cold eyes. Her natural hair colour would likely fall under the darker hues but she insists on putting small highlights in it for some unknown reason plus her hair reaches just past her shoulders- ironically worn in a hairstyle somewhat reminiscent of her aunt Laurie just a tad longer (Michael despises it). She's certainly on the taller side, standing at 5'8 complete with a damn good muscular build. Think Legend Of Korra type of muscles.

As for attire, she usually just wears ripped up jeans, a bleached shirt and whatever jacket she can find.

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