How Thomas Hewitt would cheer up his s/o

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•Thomas really despises seeing you anything less than happy. It is quite distressing, yet he still understands that it's perfectly normal...but that doesn't mean he likes it any more.

•That terrible little self depreciating voice in the back of his mind can't help but wonder each time he sees your spirits it because you're here? Does he no longer have your love? He never really felt he deserved it anyways. Is this way of life just too much for you? What can he do?? Nonetheless, he'll get those thoughts straightened out one way or another.

•As for when it comes down to actually comforting you...well, Thomas yet again feels inadequate. He feels as though he doesn't know how to even try to make you feel better. All he can do is go by his guy and pray that it's enough.

•He'll cautiously approach you, his eyes carefully examining you to make sure he's making the right advancement. So long as you don't tense in this exchange, he'll envelop you in those big arms of his and place his head atop your own- timidly rubbing his large hand up and down your back as he sighs. The gentle thrumming of his heart beating against your ear as he just stands there, hoping you'd feel the slightest bit better knowing how much he cared for you.

•If your mood still seems to be down, he'll try to get more creative with it (quite literally) and make little trinkets for you in between chores. It isn't much, but the gesture sure is sweet.

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