Yandere headcanons

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At first Michael is likely more intrigued by your kind disposition, not so much enjoying it for himself but..he finds it interesting. That's when his obsession begins.

Long before he even revealed himself to you, he had been watching you. Stalking you on your walks, at stores, and even finding away inside your home to silently observe you.

Once you get to formally know him and you don't try to either a, run away b, attempt to kill him or c, scream- you're forever a part of him.

He begins to try to tell himself that it's because of your innocence that you need his constant supervision, but honestly? He just needs you.

Never let anyone give you so much as a suggestive look, they'll end up on the news with those very eyes of their's missing from their skull. (He keeps them)

Michael knows you wouldn't dare try to leave him, not you, you're too perfect. So with that being said, he'll just have to make sure no one tries to take you away! This ends up leading to you becoming a resident of the old Myers' house.

All in all, he actually won't be too different than he would without his yandere side showing- he's a master of hiding his true intention- but make no mistake, Michael is nothing if not determined.


Jason of course, finds you to be perfect in his eyes. You're not like the rest of those terrible people, like the people that used to call him names and be mean to him- you're different. You're his now.

He'd do anything to preserve your kindness. Be it giving gifts, separating you from his violence, or just simply keeping the "bad" people away.

If you were to ever try to run away, which I advise heavily against, Jason will personally hunt you down. He wouldn't dare kill you..but he'll be hurt. After that he won't trust you enough to leave you out of his sight, the few times that he needs to leave, he'll just have to chain you down.

However if you don't attempt it, he'll be mostly normal believe it or not.

Harry Warden:

You see the good in him? Wow. Because of this little fact, he'll be obsessed yandere or not.

However if we're talking yandere...let's start off by him potentially having the urge to completely keep you to himself. He'll kill anything that stands in his way of doing so too. Even a pet.

He's so used to being lonely, having you around him makes him feel so strange...but he wouldn't trade it for the world- and he definitely will not share it either.

Hope you like the old mine.

At least he's somewhat of a romantic...eh?


One word for you, sweetheart. Isolation.

Everything you possibly could need is provided for you in the manor, where the hell else could you go? Do you not love him enough to stay??

He'll make certain that you do.

Have no worries, he'll be sure of it in a way that isn't at all scary ,love. He'll just start by coming out of the walls more often- showering you in as much affection as physically possible.

No matter where you are, his doll self will find a way to make it there as well- he just wants you to know that he's always there.

God save whosever comes to visit the manor, especially if they get too touchy feely with you. It could even just be a good friend, he doesn't care. They are NOT going to take you away damnit.

Thomas Hewitt:

He's probably the least scary of the bunch when it comes to these particular urges. If anything, he'll just come off as being over protective.

You're just so precious to him, you're kindness being such a rarity in the household...hm, honestly you've likely to receive these obsessive actions from all members of the family. They all love you so much, don't you love them too? Yea? Good, so why in the world would you try to help out with dinner? The meat can get pretty feisty, none of them want to see you get hurt...so isn't just for the best if you go hide until the coast is clear? Yes, yes it is.

Thomas feels beyond terrible if you do so much so as frown, taking as his responsibility to keep you happy. Pure dread would course through his veins at the prospect of him without you, you being unhappy could mean you wanting to leave...he'd rather die than see that happen. As such, he'd do anything to make you happy- even if you tell him that you don't need anything- he just can't stop.

If there's an especially attractive victim waiting to be turned to soup, he won't let you anywhere near his shop. He's aware that he's not the prettiest and that pretty faces can easily manipulate someone as sweet as you- so he won't stand for it.

Soon enough, all his love is specifically reserved for you. He becomes oddly submissive to you, striving to please you as much as possible and even becoming cold to some members of his family. (Can and will break the hand that hoyt tries to touch you with)

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