The Amazons (Dean)

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After the motel incident and Sam yelling at Dean about him not shooting his kid. This whole thing was fucked up; Dean had a kid within the matter of 34 hours, Sam killed the kid, and now they are arguing about Cass' death. I was used to the brothers fighting and arguing all the time, but the fact that Dean was willing to kill himself over it drew me a little over the edge.

"Would you two shut the FUCK UP!" They both stopped, the room was dead silent, "Yes Cass is dead! Dean, everyone has to deal with it, shit happens okay? I loved Cass too, but we all have to move on and grieve in a different way. Do you think he would appreciate you trying to kill yourself after he tried saving you and dragging you out of Hell?"

Both the boys stared at me dumbfounded. I was tired of Dean crying and whining over Cass's death when he wasn't the only one who lost his friend, his family.

"Are we going to stand here all day or are we going on the road?"

They followed me to the Impala, and drove off in silence. I went to sleep in the back of the Impala thinking about Cass and the Amazons.


I woke up to Sam shaking me trying to get me up, "Hey, we are at a motel. Dean went in to get rooms."

"How long was I out?" I said groggily.

"About five hours."

"Five hours?" Great, I'm not going to sleep tonight... Dean came out of the main office with two room keys.

"Y/n and I will take the two queens, have fun with the king Sammy." I didn't like the sound of that... Sam didn't question it, he just took the key and his bag, leaving me with the cold stare of the famous hunter. I grabbed my bag and followed him into the room, knowing what would come next after he closed the door. "We need to talk!"

"About?" I knew exactly what we needed to talk about, but I wanted him to open up more to the subject.

"Do you have any idea what I'm going through? After Cass died I felt lost, I had no one!"

"And how do you think I felt Dean?" I sat down on the bed closest to the door, "I lost the only person I could talk to without feeling judged, without feeling like I did something horribly wrong. He was the only person I could talk to without feeling guilty for spilling my feelings out. But no, his death doesn't bother me, Dean. I'm fine too, if you were wondering?"

"Don't tell me that line of bullshit, Cass meant everything to me, he was family!" He stood over top of the bed yelling at me and scolding me like I was a 12 year old girl giving attitude again for the hundredth time.

"It's not bullshit Dean, he was the only family I've ever had! He made me feel safe and like I belonged somewhere. He made me feel as through I had a home, but no, all of it is bullshit!" At this time I was crying, knowing I would never feel the safeness of his arms again as he hugged me when my insomnia had me was at its worst, or when my nightmares felt so real he woke me up to stop me from screaming. "I miss him so much, everyday. He was never a lover, but he was the family I never had, my protector."

"I'm sorry, you're right." I'm sorry... did I just hear that right? "I wasn't the only one who lost a family member, I did lose my best friend though." Dean sat right beside me on the bed and looked me in the eyes.

"Why did this have to happen to him Dean?"

"Come here," he reached his arms out to wrap them around my waist. "I don't know why this happened but we will figure it out."

That night I cried in Dean's arms until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with his arms still wrapped around me as he slept next to me. Ever since then Dean stuck by my side and we shared a motel room each stop we made.

We fell for each other as we both stayed by the other's side when we woke up from a nightmare, had a bad hunt, or was hurt. We both became the person we went to the most at bad times and cried in each others arms when we needed it. Dean confessed his feelings to me after a bad hunt that involved a vamp nest. I was thrown across the room into a mirror, which caused the glass to break and stick into my back. I heard him scream my name before I blacked out from the pain.

Once I woke up I wasn't able to move my legs, I became paralyzed from a shard of glass piercing through my spine. Dean was by my side the whole time. I wanted to get up and hug him once I saw his green eyes staring into mine, but... sadly I was suck on the bed.


"Y/n, I thought I lost you."

"Well, I would rather be dead then paralyzed but I'm here."

"I missed your smart remarks."

I touched my hand to my heart, "Only my smart remarks, I'm hurt Winchester."

He giggled at me, "You're cute."

"Don't tease me," I giggled at him.

"How about I order Chinese and watch some Scooby Doo as a date?"

"A date? Sure, why not? Not like I have a choice, I cant move anywhere or run away."

He raided an eyebrow at me, "You wouldn't even if you could."

"You're right!"

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