Fictional world (Sam)

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All I wanted in life was to be happy, to be normal. Did I get that? NO! I was born into a horrible life; a life where our monsters under our bed were real and happy endings never existed. My father and mother grew up as hunters, they killed monsters, they fought demons, and they even saved people. When I was growing up they were my heroes, but now that I'm an adult I can see that they never were. They only saved me when I was in danger but they were the reason why I was kidnapped, tortured, and beaten.

I grew up to be like them, the worlds best monster hunters... other than the Winchester boys. I never met the Winchesters until Castiel asked for my help on a case. Cas is an old friend of mine, he was never an angel that understood a lot but he knew how to help. He helped my dad on different cases when needed and even watched me when I needed a "baby sitter". Of course, his vessel was different back then. He actually took the figure of a tall, dark, muscular man.

Anyways, Cas was struggling with a case in Pennsylvania when he called me. The Winchesters stayed in a shitty motel room that reeked of stale cigarette smoke and vodka. Both men weren't thrilled to see me and was quite confused when I hugged Cas. Cas and I both sat them down and told them how we knew each other.

Dean was a little skeptical when it came to new people, which I totally get because being a hunter makes you more vigilant. Sam on the other hand, well he stared at me for the longest time and even gave me googly eyes. I didn't mind of course, he was pretty cute! The monster ended up being a werewolf which hurt Sam the most. He got thrown across the room and a piece of wood got lodged into his side.

Cas and Dean took care of the werewolf while I took Sam back to the motel. Treating him was the worst, he cried like a baby most of the time, but after I cleaned out his wounds and stitched him up he was back to normal.

It was time to say farewell when the boys asked me to go back to a place they called the bunker. I wanted to resist but being alone is so boring, so I decided to see what the bunker was all about.

Two months later and I'm still living with the Winchesters. Sam and I are together which is honestly surprising; a hunter life never ends with love. Castiel and I go on hunts together, whenever Sam and Dean are gone we leave and investigate another hunt.

I was laying in my bed with Sam, cuddling a little bit and talking about our childhoods. Then Cas walked through the door, "Y/n we have a case in Indiana."

"Okay, thank you Cas. I'll pack my bags," I smiled at him. He nodded and left me alone with Sam.

"Do you really have to go?" Sam asked.

"Yes Cas needs me," I answered.

"What if Dean goes with Cas?" another question. "We could have alone time."

"That sounds nice and all, but Cas is my partner and you boys just came back from a case. I'm pretty sure you and Dean would like to sleep in you own beds."

"Yeah, you're right," he huffed. "I'll help you pack."

Cas was waiting for me in the garage. I would've been there sooner if Sam would have quit attacking me and smothering me in kisses. "Let's go!" Cas yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I started to run towards the car when big arms stopped me from moving.

"Not until you give me a kiss," Sam whispered in my ear.

"I've given you five already," I whined.

"That's still not enough," he whined back.

"Okay fine," I kissed him and started running to the car. Passenger side was where I belonged, I controlled the GPS, research, and snacks. Cas rather would drive anyways, he says it takes his mind off things. "So what do we know so far Cas?"

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