Someone new? (Jack)

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WARNING if you have not seen the newer episodes then do NOT read this chapter or maybe the next few chapters. Depending on if I make different parts for this short or not. Thanks for reading and don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Dad wasn't home yet and it's worrying me! He was supposed to be back an hour ago with Uncle Dean and Uncle Cas. I decide to call dad one last time. Then, I heard his phone ring behind me. "Dad," I jumped in his arms, "you're back!"

"Hey girly," he laughed, "I missed you!"

"You wouldn't have missed me if you let me come along," I was being a smart ass.

He cleared his throat, "I was just trying to protect you!" His voice got stern and it normally doesn't unless he's being serious.

"Yeah I know," I went over towards uncle Dean to hug him. "Hey Uncle Dean!"

"Hey baby!" He always calls me that, I told him to stop but I guess it's better than squirt. Honestly though, people always think I'm Uncle Dean's daughter. I act more like him, but the only difference is I love reading. "How you doing?"

"I have a little headache but I'm fine," I reassured him.

"Y/n," I heard a rough monotone voice.

"Uncle Cas!" I ran over to him and hugged him. "I haven't seen you in forever. Everything okay?"

"Yes everything is fine."

"Good!" I looked over to see a man in his twenties standing by the stairs of the bunker. "Who is he?"

"This is Jack," my father said. "We get to take care of him now."

"Wait, so what is he doing here?" I asked.

"He is Lucifer's kid and we are supposed to teach him good and evil," Uncle Dean didn't look thrilled.

"Wait... I thought he was supposed to be a baby," I pointed out, confused.

"I came out full grown," Jack stated the obvious.

"I see that," I giggled. He is kind of cute...what am I saying? He's Lucifer's son! I put my hand out so he can shake it, "It's nice to meet you." He looked at it uncertain as to what he should do. "You grab my hand, like this." I grabbed his hand with mine and giggled at him. "Then you go up and down with them, like this." I showed him how to shake hands.

"Oh I see now," he smiled at me. "I hope you teach me more stuff like this."

"Okay!" Uncle Dean went in between us, "I'm sure you two will get along swell! Now Y/n I wanted to show you something in the kitchen."

"But you haven't been here for s-"

"Just come with me!" We went around the corner to the kitchen and he sat me down at the table. "I want you to stay away from him!"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's dangerous! He's the most powerful being on Earth. He can kill you with just a blink of his eye!" he whispered yelled at me.

"So can Lucifer, but I've been around him before! Especially when dad was possessed by him!" I whispered yelled back.

"This is different," he got stern. "Jack can destroy everything and we have no way in stopping him!"

"Couldn't he also do good in this world?" I asked.

"Well yeah, but his dad is Lucifer!"

"And my dad was too at one point!" I got angry with him, "Just because his dad is evil doesn't mean he is too!"

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