Daughter? (Dean x reader x father!Bobby)

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Today my father went out for a bit and by a bit I mean a few weeks. When he came back there was a black Impala driving behind him. I dropped the plate I was cleaning and ran outside. "Dad," I practically jumped on him, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," he wrapped his arms around me.

"Where did you go? What places did you see? Were you safe and who did you hunt with? You didn't get kidnapped did you," you might think that I'm being a little annoying, and so does my father, but I just wanted to make sure he was okay like always.

"Y/n," he rolled his eyes, "yes I'm fine, I went to South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and Mississippi. As always I hunted with Sam and Dean Winchester."

I've never seen Sam and Dean except when I was a little girl, and at that time Dean tried to kiss me. He probably won't remember though; a lot of guys don't.

A guy with long hair who was tall and a guy who was semi tall with short hair started walking over to us. They stopped and the short one looked me up and down. "Bobby," dad snapped his head to the short one, "who is this?" Dean had a little smirk on his face.

"My daughter Y/n, so don't get any ideas!"
The tall one widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows at dad, "Da- daughter?"
"Oh," the short one finally got something, "remember Sammy, we used to play with her when dad dropped us off here."

The tall one, Sammy, had an oh face. "Now I remember her. Bobby I never knew she was your daughter."
"Yup my beatiful little girl," he hugged me from the side.
"Dad," I jokingly rolled my eyes then smiled, "what are you talking about beauty?"
"Y/n," he said sturnly, "you know how I feel about you doubting yourself all the time."

"I do it for a reason dad," I crossed my arms, "it's so I won't get upset and I expect the worst."
"Well you shouldn't do that," Dean spoke up, "I mean, it gets you really depressed and everyone deserves to be happy."
"Dude, did you really just say that," Sam asked, "that's out of character for you."

"Even I know that," I said, "with the stories I hear and how you dress it just seems weird for you to say that."
"And what's wrong with the way that I dress?"
"Nothing, I like it anyways. It's the bad boy look," I shrugged my shoulders.
"Okay," dad yelled, "you," he pointed at me, "go inside."
"I needed to finish my pie anyways," I turned around and walked towards the house.

Before I went into the house I heard Dean ask, "What kind of pie?"
"Cherry," I yelled back.
"I'm coming," Dean ran towards the house.

A/n- sorry this was so short and sorry I haven't updated in a while. Remember to comment, vote, request. Love you my lil pandas 🐼...

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