Someone New Part 2 (Jack)

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Bored, so bored. Well, at least I was. I sat on my bed reading a book I've probably read over a hundred times already hoping I can come up with something better to do. Then, Jack came in my room. "Hey!"

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to see what you were up to."

"Just reading, I need something else to do though," I smirked at him.

"Well we can always watch a movie," he suggested.

An idea popped in my head as I looked at Jack's lips. "Maybe we can do something better," I giggled. I pushed Jack down on my bed as he looked confused. I got really close to his lips, but before I kissed him I said, "I like this idea better." Then, I kissed him.

Our mouths fit like a puzzle piece, it's like we were meant to be. Jack tucked his hand under my shirt and began to trace patterns on the skin of my back.

I was enjoying my time with Jack, but then my door opened. "Y/n, we're ba-".

Jack and I jumped five feet apart as we heard my dad walk in the room. "Dad I can explain."

"Dean he's in here!" My dad yelled for my uncle.

"What the Hell Y/n? Did he hurt you? Did he force himself on you? Did he tr-" I ignored my Uncle's questions as I started to feel my chest getting heavy. I couldn't breathe. Am I... am I having a panic attack?

I was hyperventilating as I looked around the room at my family and my loving boyfriend.

"Dean stop she cant breathe," Jack pointed out.

"What do you mean she can't breathe?"

"Dean she's having one of her panic attacks again," my dad started to realize. "Stop freaking her out, you have to leave Dean!"

"What no she's my niece, I sho-"

They were going to fight, at a time like this? I need air! I need space! I need to breathe.

"ENOUGH!" Jack yelled and he pushed the boys out of my room with his powers and slammed the door. "Y/n breathe, please it's going to be okay." He wrapped his arms around me as I began to smell his familiar scent. It's calming me down and I'm starting to breathe normally again.

"Thank you, Jack," I whimpered.


I stood up and went to my door opening it. I was still shaking from the lack of oxygen, but I can fully say Jack saved me from another pass out game.

"What's going on in there?" my uncle asked.

I walked over to open the door to show them I was okay and definitely not passed out.

"What happened?" dad asked.

"I have no idea, I just started panicking when you guys walked into my room and started asking me question on top of question."

"Yeah that was my fault," uncle Dean giggled.

"Nah I thought the Easter Bunny did it," I said sarcastically.

"Okay smart ass. Want to catch me up on why you guys were in here making out?" my uncle was furious.

"Well, I was bored and so was Y/n, so I cam in here while she was reading. I asked her what we could do together and she said she had an idea. Then, she pushed me down on the bed and started to ki-"

"That's enough Jack. I think they get the picture," I started to flush.

"Hold on," dad had a look of confusion on his face. "You did this yourself?"

"Uh yeah," my sarcastic side was starting to slip again. "I'm a horny teenager that is cooped up in a bunker with a cute guy. You really think I'm not going to try something?"

Both dad and my uncle looked at each other like they both realized they fucked up.

"SON OF A BITCH!" uncle Dean screamed.

A/n- Sorry this was so short, I didn't like this image so I cut it short. Thank you for reading.

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