"Just Friends" (Dean)

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A/n: This is based off the song senorita from Shawn Mendez and Camilla Cabello. I just had the idea 🤪! ALSO PLEASE ADVISE THERE IS A LITTLE BIT OF SMUTT, but no that much! Thanks.

Y/n's point of view:

Here we go again, just like every other night. Dean would sneak into my room for sex. Dont get me wrong, Dean and I are great friends, but we both have needs and secret lust for each other. It's like you could always feel the sexual tension in the room when we snuck glances at each other.

He doesnt even knock anymore, just barges in like its normal. "Hey babycakes you have ti-time?" he stuttered as he saw my figure in short shorts and a tank top.

"What's wrong Dean? Never seen a girl in shorts before?" I teased him.

"I have!" he gulped.

"Then what's the matter?"

Dean slowly walked to the bed that was my room. "Nothing just... wow," he smirked at me.

"Nah, nah, nah. I know that look," I pointed my finger at him like a mother disappointed at a child. "I'm not doing it Dean!"

"But why not?" His lip stuck out like a bee stung it and made it swell up. "I just want you, please." He grabbed my hands trying to pull me down on his lap. As much as I didnt want it because I knew I would get hurt again, I couldn't resist. I straddled his lap looking into his forest green eyes.

"Just why, can you explain to me why me? You could easily get a girl at a bar," I could feel my eyes fill with tears, but I held them back. Save the tears until you're alone Y/n.

"I just need you," he simply explained. Then it started to happen, the kissing on the neck. That's how it always started. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I highly enjoy it. The thrill of getting caught by Sam, the sneaking around, and lying. It was all amazing, until it isnt anymore, until after it all.

He pecked my lips and rolled so I was laying under him. As he skimmed his hand up my thigh I realized I didnt want it.

"Dean stop," I broke out kiss. He looked stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"I dont want to be your puppet, I dont want to be your toy. I dont just want sex, it's wrong." Now I really started to cry. I know, I know, hunters are supposed to be strong and not cry over something as stupid as a guy. "I dont want to do this anymore Dean. I feel used, you dont want me for anything else."

"Shhh Baby," he wiped the tears away from my eyes, "that's not true."

"It is Dean. I'm just something you can play with, then you flirt with other girls like it was nothing."

"Shhh, no Baby," his voice calmed me down. "I do that to make you jealous. I actually like you a lot, I know I dont show it but I dont know how."

"You literally did that to make me jealous?" He nodded his head. "Well that was stupid," I giggled.

"I know it was, but I only want you. I promise," he pecked my lips.

"Why didnt you just tell me?" I asked.

"I didnt know how." He looked into my eyes, worried. "Look, I know I'm a piece of shit, but everytime I tried to tell you I couldn't get the right words."

"Right words?"

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I couldnt just say, 'hey I like you more than a friend'. You're more special than that. You need to be loved like no other. You deserve someone who can treat you like a Queen. You might not think you're the best thing ever to exist, but you're the most precious person to walk into anyones life."

"That's all you had to say!" I reached up and kissed him with passion. "Can we just cuddle tonight?"


"You're not allowed to stay the night though. I need my alone time," I joked.

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