Drunk Ex pt. 3

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The tiny motel room with two Queens reminded me of old times with the Winchesters. The only difference was, Dean and I weren't sharing a bed tonight.

"You can sleep on the other bed, I'll be comfortable on the couch," Dean was going to give me the bed.

"No you don't mister," I stopped him before he sat on the couch. "We both know you are too tall for that couch, now let me take the couch and you take the bed."

"Y/n I am not allowing that to happen!"

"And why not Dean?" Silence filled our ears. "Now I'm going to say this again, I take the couch and you take the bed. Are we clear?"

"Loud," Dean stared, having to say the last word of all the bickering and fights.

He laid on the bed with a blank expression on his face. I know what he was thinking, 'why won't she just let me take the couch,' but to be fair, he works harder than I do. I've seen the world get ripped from him and he still pushes himself. I'm one of the only people who have seen this tough man cry and held him when he needed it the most.

I grabbed my hoodie in my duffle bag and put it on while walking to the couch. Plopping my ass down with a thud I hear Dean clear his throat. I look up to see him standing overtop of me with the comforter in his hand.

"You'll need this."

"Dean I-"

"Don't even try arguing with me, I'll be perfectly fine. Plus I know you get cold easily at night." The way he tilted his head was always so cute.

"Thank you!" He nodded in my direction then climbed into his bed.

I would be lying if I slept good, I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck and broken back.

"Good morning, sunshine," a gruff voice spoke as I stretched out all the kinks in my body. "How did you sleep?"

"Think you would know... dumbass."

"Woah," Dean put his hands up in defense. "Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the b-"

"I swear if you say bed, Dean, then I will kick you where it ain't pretty and you'll regret it." I gave him a death glare that would make a puppy fall over dead. He grabbed a foam cup from the bedside table and stood above me, "Sammy got you some coffee to start out the day."

"Do you guys anything about the case?" I took the cup and sipped on the hot liquid burning my mouth! "OWW! GODDAMN THING BURNED! SONE OF A BITCH!" Dean started laughing at my swearing, "I'm glad you find my pain amusing."

"It's good to have you back, Y/n."

"Don't get used to it."

Dean's face fell after hearing my sentence, "Yeah, I know. To answer your question, from our understanding a guy named Frank Black ran to the cops saying he saw children with black eyes dragging away his best friend on a camping trip. His friend was found in the woods the next morning without his eyes."

"Great, nothing more than what I know. So, you guys want to figure more out about the case while I stay here and do some research?"

"You aren't coming with us?"

"I think three 'FBI' agents would look suspicious, plus wasn't this what we did before? One stays while the other two check out information or we split up? One takes the morgue while the other two talk to the victims and witnesses? We've never showed up together unless it was a crime scene."

"I guess you're right, I just thought we could all go together." The shrug and hopefulness in his voice broke my heart.

"No, plus Jerry is still here, that we know of. I don't want to run into him and him beg for me to come back." I rolled my eyes at the thought of his on his knees asking for me to come back to our room and talk everything out.

"Okay, yeah. Sammy and I will call you about any updates."

"Where is Sammy anyways?"

"He went to see if they had another room for you to sleep in. You were groaning from pain a couple hours ago. Plus, you looked very uncomfortable."

"Oh, well I appreciate it but I can just sleep here." I patted the couch cushion next to me and Dean shook his head. Before he could speak Sammy walked into the room.

"We got you the room next to ours on the other side so you wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable," he handed me the key.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that, you know?"

Dean spoke up, "We wanted to."

Out of happiness I hugged Sam and Dean, only releasing Dean quicker once I realized what I was doing. "Alight, well you two better get dressed as I check out my room and get to start some research." Grabbing my things I ran out the room and opened the door to mine, but before I could stick my key in I heard my name. It was Jerry, his eyes were red and all puffy.

"You little whore, you slept with them didn't you?"

"Excuse me?" I was dumbfounded that he thought I would go over there and sleep around with brothers. What kind of girl does he think I am?

"Don't play dumb with me, I heard you moaning all night like the little whore you are!" He stuck his finger in my face like he was shaming a child for breaking the cookie jar.

I raised my eyebrows and laughed at him, "I'm sorry, you think I was moaning? No, I was groaning because I slept on the couch that doesn't have a pull out bed. You honestly think that low of me? I was being a kind person letting the boys sleep on the beds and me sleep on the couch. I break up with you and you instantly accuse me of not only sleeping with one Winchester but two? You're psychotic!"

Jerry let out a low growl, "Psychotic? Listen here you little bitch!" He grabbed for my arm, I deflected his hand and punched him in the nose. The boys run out of their room and see Jerry bleeding profusely.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"This bitch just punched me in the nose!" Jerry stood up with his hand to his face and pinched his nose, "I think she broke it!"

"Good, you deserved it Asshat! Now get out of here and find another place to hunt!" Dean grabbed ahold of Jerry's shirt and pushed him towards his room, "I don't want to see you ever again!"

"Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," I breathed out, "He tried to grab ahold of me and I punched him."

"Awesome!" I looked at Dean with a confused face, "I mean that you're a bad ass and made him bleed like a stuffed pig, not that he tried to hurt you."

"Mhmm," I unlocked the door, "go and let me know what y'all find out."

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