Heartbreak (Jack) Pt. 1

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Understanding a heartbreak is like understanding what the meaning of life is, no one knows why we go through it. That's something I never got, why do people put others through the agonizing pain of your heart tearing into a thousand tiny pieces. You feel numb through the whole thing, not knowing what happened and questioned if you did things different nothing would've changed. Millions of thoughts run through your head, wondering what was wrong with you and what made you into the monster they made you out to be.

The thing is, its not your fault, you just weren't the right person for each other. You'll find someone who appreciates you and shows that you're their world. But people going through heartbreak don't feel that way... they feel lost and abandoned. Some cope with it differently... some surround themselves with friends, others lock themselves away in their room from all creation. The second option seemed like the only option for Y/n. She lost the only boy who made her feel loved, like she was worth something for the first time in her life. He vanished forever with simple words, "I think we are better as friends."

It hurt her that the person she loved the most in this world didn't feel the same and lost interest. He was the only thing keeping her sane with the demons running through her head, and made her forget the shitty childhood she had with her brothers. Now she sits alone in her room, dark, cold, and lonely with a sweet sound of sad songs playing in her ears.

She didn't hear her door open when her older brother tried to check up on his torn up sister, her back was turned to the door and she laid on her bed with tears streaming down her cheeks. He knew not to bother her, but with her history of depression he wanted to make sure she wasn't doing anything stupid.

Dean walked back into the bunker library and saw Sam researching the next case they were leaving for. "Do you really think it's okay to leave her here alone while we go on a case?"

"Dean, she's not going to be alone," Sam reassured him. "Cass is going to be here along with Jack."

"Yes, we are going to have a clueless angel and a three year old child look after our sister, my baby sister, who is shattered." Dean didn't like the idea of two beings who barely understand human emotions looking after her now. Deep down he knew she would be okay, but he wanted to be the big brother she needed now.

"Dean, Cass was once human, he will help her. Jack is still learning, yes, but maybe he can try helping her too. She will be fine, she always has been. I'm worried about her too, but for a few days she will be okay. I promise." Sam knew he wouldn't make his brother feel better about this, but will at least get him to go on the case.

"Fine, fine. I still don't like the idea." As Dean gave up trying to stay he realized Sammy was right, she will be okay for a few days. "Cass?" Not long after calling his name, Cass appeared behind him. "Take care of Y/n, while we're gone. I don't want to see a scratch on her."

"Dean, I promise she is safe with Jack and I. We will keep watch for any suspicious activity."

Jack walks into the room with a big smile on his face, "Hey, is there a hunt today?"

"You're staying here and helping keep watch of Y/n." Dean pushed past the man baby who looked confused.

"What is wrong with her?" he asked the question everyone wondered. Why was she crying over a guy who was a jerk and made her believe she was less than her worth? "Is she sick?"

"No, Jack," Sam stood up beside him. "She is going through a tough time."

"Should I comfort her?" The clueless boy had no idea she wanted to be alone.

"Just make sure she's taken care of. Fed, bathed, and hydrates." There was more Dean could've asked for, but only from Cass. Someone who he knew wouldn't try to make a move on his sister at a time like this.

Sam and Dean packed their bags for the road as slow as possible. They didn't want to leave, but knowing people need their help they decided to say their goodbye's to their baby sister.

"Kid?" Dean shook her to signal his presence. "Sammy and I are going on a hunt."

Y/n wiped her eyes, "Can I come?"

"No, we don't think that's best. You'll have Cass and Jack here though, they'll help you if you need anything." Dean grabbed ahold of her and pulled her into a hug. "And you can call us whenever you need."

"We'll be back in a few days and we'll keep you updated on everything."

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