Drunk Ex pt. 2

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It's been three months since I visited the boys at the bunker and I've been working on myself. I have a new boyfriend, his name is Jerry. We just met a month ago and he's a hunter too.

Jerry and I were on our way to another hunt when Dean crossed my mind again. It's been more frequent lately and I never understood why. Maybe I just miss him as a friend too or it's because Sam and I have been texting more as he keeps telling me to come back.

"You okay sweetie?" Jerry took me out of my trance.

"Yeah, sorry. Was just thinking about the case." I hate lying to him but what would he say if I told him I was thinking about my ex.

"This one seems tough, huh?" he threw his crooked smile at me.

"Yeah, I just wanna get it done. I need a break from it all," I chuckled a bit. Partly because I knew I needed it but the job wouldn't allow it.

"Well, we are almost there. Just have to find a motel so we can hit the hay."

"Okay," I smile up at Jerry.


As we pull into the motel I start to feel relieved, but then I see something I've thought I would never see again. The Impala was sitting in the motel parking lot.

We pulled into a parking spot right beside the Impala and I wondered if God made Jerry do it on purpose. We went in to check in and found two men standing at the desk looking tense.

"We want one room with two Queens," one of them stated.

"Oh I'm sorry honey I thought, um- you two are- um well," the older woman stumble on her words.

"No no no, we're brothers," and I knew exactly who that was. Sam Winchester... Of course we run into these two. Both men turned around stunned to see me standing there.

"Y/n?" they both said in unison.

"Um... hey?"

"You know them?" Jerry asked.

"Who is that?" Dean snarled.

I answered Jerry first, "Yeah these are my friends Dean and Sam. Dean and Sam, this is my boyfriend Jerry."

"Boyfriend?" Dean scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Wait Sam and Dean Winchester?" Jerry asked.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Sam held his hand out for Jerry to take.

Before Jerry could take it Dean took Sam's hand down. "Sam what the hell is wrong with you?"

"What Dean? I was trying to be polite."

"No, you want a real introduction? Hi, I'm Dean Winchester and I used to date your girlfriend."

"Oh, uh... honey you never told me about this," Jerry chuckled nervously.

"It never came up," I pointed out.

Dean laughed, "Classic Y/n."

"I think we are going to check in now," I grumbled. I went up to the check out desk as I felt all the boys looking at me, "One room please with one bed."

"You got it honey," the raspy voice of the older woman made me realize she was a chainsmoker.

I payed for my room and grabbed Jerry, "Nice to see you boys again, but Jerry and I are tired. See you soon."

I dragged Jerry into the room as I grumbled under my breath, "Those damn boys and fucking Dean. He needs to fucking let me go."

"Hey, why didnt you tell me a Winchester was your ex?" Jerry questioned.

"Like I said, it never came up," I looked away from him.

"I can't beat that."

I snapped my head towards him, "What do you mean you can't beat that?"

"Dean obviously still loves you and you obviously have feelings for him too," he growled.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"The way you two look at each other, it sickened me. It made me realize both of you aren't over each other. Am I just a rebound?"

"What? No, why would you think that?" I asked.

"Because of the way you look at each other. You dont look at me the way you look at him. I saw it and Sam obviously saw it too. He even text it to you," now he was starting to yell.



Before I could reply a knock was at our door. "House keeping! Want me to fluff your pillow? Want me to give you a blowjob?"

"What kind of fucking room service-" as Jerry opened the door he found Dean giggling.

"Nah I'm just kidding but I wanted to know if you guys were okay," Dean was concerned.

"We are fine thank you!" Jerry about slammed the door in Dean's face.

"Actually," I spoke up and opened the door, "Can I visit you and Sam tonight?"

Jerry looked at me shocked as Dean smiled a bit, "Sure you can."

I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, "I'm done with your shit Jerry, we're done."

"What? Y/n, no you cant please!" He started to cry.

"Dude, shut up. You're such a baby."

"Shut up Dean! You did the same exact thing, so shut the hell up!" I growled at him.

"Okay, okay," Dean held his hands up in surrender. "Let's just get to the room."

As I walked to the room next door, I realized I wanted this all along. What am I doing?

A/n: There is going to be another part to this later! Thank you for reading.

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