Coming Down (Dean x reader)

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Dean's P.O.V.

"I stood there waiting for anything thing to happen, waiting for Sammy to come and save us, to save you. Except it never happened; the witch killed you before I could save you, before our plan could work. She stabbed you in the side with a knife. My world crumbled. I fell on my knees because that's all I could do, but when I fell it felt like I was falling forever.

It felt like the ground was caving in around me, felt like the whole world was caving in around me. The thing is, I thought it was solid ground, I thought the whole world was solid before you started to slip away from me.

You laying on the ground screaming tore me apart. I tried to look the other way but I couldn't, I was stuck. I didn't want to see you go through all that pain, all that misery, but I had too.

The plan didn't work because I made a few mistakes, so it's okay for you to hate me now. Except, I'm not the only one who made mistakes. You thought you could beat her without the plan, you thought you could defeat her, but you couldn't.

Before all of this we had a fight, I can't tell you what it was about because I forgot, but I know it was over something stupid. Anyways, after that fight I felt like I would never be good enough for you, that I would never be what you want me to. The thing that I didn't know was that you pulled away from me to save yourself. Save yourself from what, I don't know, but it was pretty irrational.

You thought you were saving both of us but I pulled you back to save myself. You would never understand what I've been through, or what's inside, but I will make you understand that I can't survive without you. You are everything to me and a world without you is like my life as a kid; depressing and alone.

You will never know how hard it was to sit there and watch you slip away from me every second that went by. Then Sammy finally came through the doors, he killed the witch and burned the hex bag that was keeping the spell on me.

I ran towards you as fast as I could, scooped you up, and realized I didn't have a lot of time left. I yelled for Cas but he never came. You told me you loved me, you told me you were sorry for the fight, you knew you were close. Tears started to slip through my eyes more and more after everything you told me. Then, you died in my arms.

Cas then finally came and I couldn't help but feel angry at him. Angry that he didn't come when you needed him the most, angry that he was late for you, angry that he let you die. I pushed him to get my anger out but it didn't work, so I punched him then I repeatedly did it.

Sammy finally ripped me off of him after so long, but after I yelled at Cas I heard a gasp. I turned around to see you sitting up wondering what happened. I was so confused but i couldn't help the excitement that ran through my body. I ran to you and I never wanted to let go.

Then, you explained to me that Crowley owed you, so you asked him for your life back. He allowed it? I can't believe it?"

"He also said he didn't want to kill a Winchester when he won't fight back," she replied.

"That makes since now," we both giggled. "God, I'm so glad you're alive." I placed my head on her forehead.

"Me too," she agreed, "or else you would be lost without me."

"Exactly," I giggled and leaned in to kiss her.

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