Drunk ex pt. 4

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After countless hours of researching how to kill a black eyed child baby I got nothing. Everything I read through was the myths and legends of how these creatures came about. I angrily slammed my laptop down and rubbed my temples to relive my headache. "God help us all," I whispered a little prayer of frustration. My phone rang next to me and the caller ID had Sam's name. "What's up? Did you find anything?"

"So get this," the classic words of Sam Winchester, "Fredrick Black is in the mental institution, his wife admitted him after the night he saw Dan Hughwick get taken by the black eyed child. His wife never believed him and neither did the cops. There wasn't any evidence of Fred murdering Dan so they never took him into custody. Fred has been saying the black eyed child is lingering outside the hospital and trying to sneak in to kill him. We are going to question him at the institution and get more of his story. Did you find anything?

"No, everything I found was about the legend of the black eyed children. Be careful, they normally travel in doubles or groups of five. They've went all the way back to the Victorian era, but it was normally a bed time stories for children."

"So, how did they get here?"

"It's said they picked a ride with people traveling to America from England and have been terrorizing people in America ever since."

Sam sighed on the other end of the line, "Well, do you want to come along with us to the institution?"

"I think I'll stay here and continue the research. You guys find out wh-" I heard a knock at the door.

"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"Dean is still with you, correct?" I whispered to the phone.

"Yes, why?" The concern in his voice made me worry more.

"Cause someone just knocked at my door." I grabbed a gun from under my pillow and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?"

"I'm not sure." I set my phone down on the table beside the door and reached for the handle with my gun in the other hand behind the door. I cracked the door open and it flung towards me knocking me over. I looked up to see Jerry with rage in his eyes towering over me.

"You BITCH!" he grabbed the collar of my hoodie and jerked me towards his face. "You think you can just walk out of my life! I did everything I could to make you happy, make you want me! Guess you had other plans, you used me for your own satisfaction!"

"No, Jerry! That's not true!"

"SHUT UP!" He slapped me across the face and that was the last straw. I kneed him in the groin and he tumbled over, which allowed me to free myself. "Come back here you ignorant slut! You can't get away from me now!"

I locked myself into the bathroom and looked around for anything I could use as a weapon. Under the sink there was a plunger, it would have to do if he does break the door down.

"Y/n!" Bang! "I'm coming in!" Bang! "Be ready, bitch!" Bang! Bang! Bang! The wood splintered in the door frame, allowing the door to be flung open. Jerry stood in the doorway and laughed as he took in my appearance, "You think you can stop me with a plunger?"

"I sure as hell can try!" My arms swung the plunger towards Jerry. I attempted to hit him in the face, but the asshole caught the stick with his left hand. He tore the plunger out of my hands and threw it down on the ground. No other choice than to use what I have on my person. I kicked him in the stomach but he half assed caught my leg. He pushed my leg up making me fall and hit my head off the floor.

He straddled my waist and pinned my arms beside my head, "What are you going to do? I have you right where I want you!" The door to the motel room busted open, it didn't take long for the brother's to run into the bathroom. Dean grabbed Jerry and ripped him off of me. Sam kneeled beside me checking my wounds.

"What hurts? Where did he hurt you?"

"My head." I was terrified. I've never been this scared, even on hunts. What was he going to do to me? What was his plan? "Sam, I don't understand. What was going to happen? What did he want to do?" Tears trickled down my cheeks. I was filled with anger, terror, and the feeling of helplessness.

"It's okay, he's not going to hurt you again." He scooped me into his arms and pet my head.

"Where's Dean?"

"I don't know, he probably left with Jerry." Next thing I knew, I was lifted off the ground and put onto the queen mattress. The TV clicked on and Sam changed it to Scooby-Doo. The whole room felt as though it was closing in and all I could do was cry.

Soon my tears dried with Sam by my side the whole time. The door opened with a pissed off Dean going towards the bed. He grabbed me and embraced me into a bone crushing hug. "I'm sorry!"

"Dean, why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

"I should've been here for you! That would never have happened if I never broke up with you!" His voice cracked and became soft. Was he crying? He really thought this was his fault?

"You never did this, so don't blame yourself! You did nothing wrong!"

"But I did, Y/n," I looked up at him, there was nothing but pain in his eyes. "I should have never let you go when I knew you were at your happiest. I should of held onto you and believed when you told me you always wanted to be by my side. I was scared, I was so scared you would leave me a find the life you always wanted with someone else. I was so stupid! So, so stupid!"

"You're definitely stupid," I giggled. The tears of the Nile was running down my face again, only this time it was happy tears. I felt relief finally knowing the full truth of why Dean left. That's all I ever wanted was the truth!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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